
How I do bulk Koji operations in Fedora

Primary LanguagePython

Mini mass rebuild

This explains how I do bulk Koji operations in Fedora. Note that this is not ready to use tool with nice command line API, this is merely an example.

Note: Make sure your /usr/bin/parallel comes from moreutils-parallel package (not just parallel), or the following example won't work.

Take the fedpkg-build.sh script and edit it to suite your needs. And then invoke it in parallel:

$ cd empty_directory
$ parallel -j 12 bash ../fedpkg-build.sh -- $(cat ../packages.txt)

It takes packages as positional arguments, here provided via cat. You can also boost the parallelism by increasing the number 12 given to -j :)

The script logs, so you can later analyze the logs with grep. Note that fedpkg clone fails now and then, so you can grep the logs for Could not execute clone and rerun those packages once again. If it would bother you too much, you can add retrying to the script.

(Consider this repo CC0.)