Python code for: "Comparing global e-flow estimation methods to local e-flow assessments"

Prerequisites: All GIS analyses in this study require an ESRI ArcGIS license including the Spatial Analyst extension, which itself requires a Windows OS. We used the Python Arcpy module associated with ArcGIS 10.7 in Python 2.7 with 64-bit background processing.

This repository includes the portions of the analysis conducted in Python, which encompass all spatial formatting of the data prior to data analysis.

In Python:

  1. Download isimp2b #DONE
  2. Pre-process isimp2b #Ran it for discharge. Need to run it for runoff now.
  3. Pre-process PCR-GLOBWB 2.0 #DONE

#For Rhone sites 3. download_france_rhone.R #DONE 4. manual processing/data extraction #DONE

#For Mexico: 5. download_format_Mexico.R -> 'mexico_refdata_preformatted.csv' #DONE

  1. #DONE

  2. process_france_rhone.R #DONE

  3. downscale_efmodels based on downscale_GEFIS - ########## TO WRITE ######

Then execute the following code in R: 8. src/GEFIS_testR/postQAQC_merge_dbversions.R TO RE-RUN

  1. In master database, add Mexico

And continue with the following workflow: TO RE-RUN 10. TO ADAPT AND RE-RUN 11. TO ADAPT AND RE-RUN 12. TO ADAPT AND RE-RUN 13.

Note that substantial manual quality-checking and editing was performed on the location of the e-flow assessment sites, a process that cannot be programatically reproduced.