
Estimate urban stormwater contaminant load to the Pacific Ocean from the West Coast of the United States

Primary LanguagePython


Estimate urban stormwater contaminant load to the Pacific Ocean from the West Coast of the United States.

Workflow: CollateLU.py -> RoadLU.py

In short:

  • Collate all available land use data for California
  • Rasterize California zoning/land use, keeping the most recent dataset for each pixel (see data sources for details on what datasets were used) - 30 m
  • Rasterize statewide zoning/land use datasets for Oregon and Washington - 30 m
  • Mosaic raster of all three states
  • Reclassify NLCD using mosaicked raster:
    • Developed, Open Space (NLCD 21) -> Not reclassified (stays 21), because close inspection showed that it almost only includes city parks and golf courses
    • Developed, Low and Medium Intensity (NLCD 22, 23) -> Residential (97)
    • Developed High Intensity (24) & (commercial zoning or any other zoning) -> Commercial (98)
    • Developed High Intensity (24) & (industrial zoning) -> Industrial (99)
  • Merge Open Street Map roads for all three states
  • Subset roads to exclude pedestrian streets, tracks, bus_guideway, and escape
  • Buffer road vector with the following rules:
    • Assume lanes of 12ft, the most common width standard (https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/geometric/pubs/mitigationstrategies/chapter3/3_lanewidth.cfm)
    • For all roads but motorways and trunks, assume two 12-ft lanes (to account for two ways) and no shoulder adding to lane width
    • For motorway (e.g. interstate), assume three lanes each way + 1-sided 10 ft outside shoulder and inside 4ft shoulder
    • For trunk, assume same thing as motorway but two lanes each way
  • Rasterize road buffers to 6 m resolution snapped to NLCD_reclass
  • Aggregate road raster to 30 m, computing the number of subpixels (out of 25) in each 30 m cell that is considered a road
  • Further reclassify NLCD using road raster and NLCD impervious surface dataset (% imperviousness in each cell): For any developed pixel (21, 97, 98, 99), if road covers more than 50% of the impervious area in the developed pixel (100road_raster/(25imperviousness) > 0.50) -> road (96)