Uniswap Governance Subgraph

Uniswap Governance is governed over GovernorAlpha - a set of proposals and votes. This subgraph aggregates the proposals in an easy to consume way.

Subgraph quickstart docs: https://thegraph.com/docs/define-a-subgraph

(H/t) Compound Governance subgraph: https://github.com/protofire/compound-governance-subgraph



  1. Follow these steps to setup graph-cli: https://thegraph.com/docs/define-a-subgraph

  2. Define the events to listen to inside subgraph.yaml, see example here

  3. Define the GraphQL Schema inside schema.graphql, note this is the crux of the abstraction here. See example here

  4. Run yarn codegen to generate the corresponding Contracts (defined in subgraph.yaml) and Entities (defined in schema.graphql) into the /generated folder

  5. Implement mapping.ts which maps the Contract events to the corresponding Entities - this acts as a bridge between the two set of generated types.


  1. Goto https://thegraph.com/, login and click on "Add Subgraph"

  2. Follow https://thegraph.com/docs/deploy-a-subgraph#create-the-subgraph and input the corresponding info

  3. Retrieve access token from the created empty subgraph page

  4. Authenticate to this specific subgraph: graph auth https://api.thegraph.com/deploy/ <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  5. Build: yarn build

  6. Deploy: yarn deploy