
Terraform module for static website on Azure Storage with domain and SSL certificate.

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Azure Storage Static Website


This Terraform module provides the required infrastructure to host a static website on Azure Storage.


  • Uploads the files in the specified local directory to the $web container in the specified storage account.
  • Creates a CDN endpoint for the storage account.
  • Adds a custom domain, via DNS CNAME record, to the CDN endpoint.
  • Adds a CDN managed certificate to the custom domain.


module "static_website" {
  source = "github.com/messeb/terraform-az-static-website"

  resource_group_name           = "az-static-website"
  resources_base_name           = "az-static-website"
  location                      = "westeurope"
  referer_check_file_extensions = ["css", "jpeg", "jpg", "gif", "js", "png", "svg", "webp", "zip"]
  index_file                    = "index.html"
  error_file                    = "404.html"
  web_folder                    = "public"

  sub_domain_dns = {
    resource_group_name = "example-dns-rg"
    zone_name           = "example.com"
    root_domain         = "example.com"
    sub_domain_name     = "az-static-website"



Name Type
random_string.rnd resource
azurerm_resource_group.rg resource
azurerm_storage_account.sa resource
azurerm_storage_blob.static-web-demo-storage-blob resource
azurerm_cdn_profile.website-cdnprofile resource
azurerm_cdn_endpoint.website-endpoint resource
azurerm_dns_cname_record.cname_record resource
azurerm_cdn_endpoint_custom_domain.cdn_custom_domain resource
null_resource.destroy_cname_record resource


Name Description Type Default Required
resource_group_name Resource group in which the resources will be created. string n/a yes
resources_base_name Basename for all of the resources. string n/a yes
location Azure cloud region string n/a yes
referer_check_file_extensions List of file extension for which a "referer" header is checked list(string) [] no
index_file Index page of the website string "index.html" no
error_file 404 error page of the website string "404.html" no
sub_domain_dns.resource_group_name Resource group of the DNS zone of the root domain string n/a yes
zone_name Zone name of the root domain string n/a yes
root_domain Root domain of the website string n/a yes
sub_domain_name Sub-domain of the website string n/a yes


Name Description
website_url The HTTPS-URL of the statice website.