Useful for fast developing, no need for a Raspberry Pi (also much faster)
VMWARE Image is suggested, as Network configuration is tricky with Virtual Box
System Images built with Volumio Builder
Clone the repo in the directory of your choice (default: /volumio)
git clone volumio
cd volumio
Make sure /volumio folder is owned volumio user
sudo chown -R volumio:volumio /volumio
And that /data folder exists and is owned by volumio user
sudo mkdir /data
sudo chown -R volumio:volumio /data
On Debian, you need to install
sudo apt-get install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev
For other systems, see node_mdns installation.
All other dependecies are in the package JSON, from the working directory just run (as user volumio)
npm install
You can run all the servers in one single step just running with nodejs
node index.js
Finally, point your browser to http://(ip address):3000 to access the UI.
A DEV Console is available at http://(ip address):3000/dev
To make development more comfortable, a samba server is installed. This way the /volumio folder is accessible (and editable) via Network. Just mount it on your dev workstation and it will be available as local filesystem. Testing on PI is strongly suggested.
Please take a look at the Developer Info and Guidelines
Templating System
The idea is to allow the installation of different templates and skins. To allow that a template system needs to be created: as general guidelines we'll provide a set of Java functions to hook with the WebSockets connection. The different templates then will be a folder containing just css js and html.
Plugin System
Every service (input, output, visualization etc) will be treated as a standalone entity. This will allow to add external plugins in the future. The plugins will be composed of a folder, with all the methods, and a "manifest file" which is an executable that sends via nodes js its name, its available methods and other informations. At system startup every manifest in the manifest folder is executed, so the system receives with WS all the available plugins and their capabilities and methods. Then the core knows what is availbable and how to call them.
Music Database System
Every music service available will feature its own LevelDB database, storing its pertaining music file. The Volumio core then needs to query those databases to retrieve available music, so it can route the appropriate request to the right service for a certain song.
Custom Debian Based Operating System
Minimal Jessie Based BSP
SystemD migration
Volumio APT repo
Custom Compiled Core Packages
Shairport Sync
Volumio Core
Command Router
WebUI Endpoints
Mixer Controls
Volume Controls
Communication Interfaces
- Controller
API Controller
MPD Emulation Interface
Audio services Controllers
MPD Service and Library
SPOP Service and Library
Shairport Service and Library
UPNP Service and Library
(groove?) Service and Library
System manager worker
I2S Driver
Hardware Layer
USB Drives
Volumio Service Discovery
Volumio 2 WebUI (Playback)
Boostrap Based Structure
Playback Handling
Library retrieval
Library Sorting
Airplay Hooks
Volumio 2 WebUI (Configuration)
Playback Option Configuration
Network Option Configuration
Plug-in System Configuration
System Configuration
- Forum Threads for internal discussion, remember to subscribe topics.
- Document your work where possible on the Wiki.
- This is intended to run on Low Power Devices (r-pi). Let's keep code efficient and lightweight.
- To allow code mantainability, always comment your code properly and update DOCs if needed.
- Adhere to MVC Best Practices to maximize project quality.
- Have fun and enjoy what you're doing!