SHCarAdverts run on Expo
This is a managed Expo app with a simple page, a ScrollView with input controls and a 'Post' button that only sends to the console the gathered data. Before that, performs a validation of the data, display the errors on the form and only if there are no validation errors logs the data, mocking a raw post request, and resets the form.
Used dependencies:
- to manage the form components and validation:
- drop down box on Android and Picker on iOS:
which depends on@react-native-picker/picker
- to select a local image:
For the color picker I made a simple modal with 9 colors to choose from. I wanted to use react-native-color-picker
in the modal but I let it for the end considering it an easy task.
I tested the app on Android emulator and device and also on a iOS device but is working now only on Android.