To use this project, the python 3.7.0+
and following packages are required:
numpy 1.16.4
scipy 1.2.1
scikit-learn 0.21.1
matplotlib 3.0.3
- Load data. You can use dataset from
directory or load your own:
import as data
source_data, markers = data.load_data("data/ocr.dat", 1, False)
- Perform dimensionality reduction, e.g. PCA:
import src.pca as pca
pca_data, pca_error = pca.calculate(source_data)
- Calculate estimation, e.g. Hubert Г statistic:
import src.hubert as hubert
source_hubert = []
pca_hubert = []
for i in range(1, len(source_data)+1):
source_hubert.append(hubert.calculate(source_data[:i], markers))
pca_hubert.append(hubert.calculate(pca_data[:i], markers))
- Draw estimation results:
import src.drawer as drawer
[source_hubert, pca_hubert],
label='Normalized Hubert Г statistic',
legend=['SRC', 'PCA'],