Project Management System Using Hibernate

It is an academic project to fullfil the requirement of Enterprise Architecture Assignement.The goal of the project is to gain more experience practicing with Hibernate. It is a web application to register volunteering projects and recruit for volunteers.


There are two types of user roles:

Admistrator: Can create a project with a description, expected start and end dates, tasks required to be done (with a timeframe to be completed), update the status of the tasks and projects, indicate what type of resources are required for each task. It may also have a list of beneficiaries. Can load pictures to enhance the descriptions, tasks and beneficiaries information.

Volunteers: can offer their services for tasks on projects, See information about projects and their beneficiaries, List tasks for a project, List projects by status, Look for projects that requires a particular type of resource/skill, Search projects by keywords and location, List projects and tasks where a volunteer have offered services, ordered by time of the task.


• Java,Maven

• MVC Design pattern, JUnit  

• Hibernate 5.1.0 , JPA 2.1 ,JPQL

• MySQL Database

• Spring Tool Suit (STS)