
This script exports users from AWS Cognito Pool into a CSV file

Primary LanguagePython

Export Cognito Users

This script exports users from AWS Cognito Pool into a CSV file

Install Dependencies

In order to install the dependencies you should have Python 2 or Python 3 installed on your platform, run any of below command depend on python version installed

  • Python 2:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Python 3:

    $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run Script

To start export process you shout run below command (Note: use python if you have Python 2 installed)

  • $ python3 export-cognito-users.py --poolId 'eu-west-1_XXXXXXXXX' --region eu-west-1

Script Arguments

  • --poolId [Required] - Provide user pool ID pf the user pool from which you want to export the users
  • --region [Optional] - Provide AWS region in which the user pool is present Default: eu-west-1

If you want to use specific AWS profile you can use AWS_PROFILE like below,

$ AWS_PROFILE={profile-name} python3 export-cognito-users.py --poolId 'eu-west-1_XXXXXXXXX' --region eu-west-1