Odoo Docker

Purpose of this repository is to provide the dockerized development environment for the odoo developers.

How to use this repository

To use this repo you need to make sure you have docker & docker-compose install on your machine.

  • By default this repo use odoo 14 image if you are willing to use different version you can change odoo version in .env file by changing the value of ODOO_VERSION environment variable
  • You can also use .env file to setup your default values for DB_USER DB_PASSWORD and user and password for PgAdmin
  • If you need some external python dependencies you can add those in service/odoo/requirements.txt and then you can build/rebuild the odoo image using command docker-compose build odoo
  • If you want to install any os package you can add RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y <packagename> <packagename2> line in service/odoo/Dockerfile
  • Once you are ready with all your configuration you simply run docker-compose up -d command it will run your odoo stack along with PgAdmin.
  • Odoo is running in watch mode using --dev=reload so you don't need to restart odoo after changing python code
  • Once stack is running you can access odoo using localhost:8069 and pgadmin using localhost:5050


If you want to debug odoo you can follow the steps explain by Khaled Said in his Dev.to article


For any issue please feel free to raise issue here or contact me on