
A WebComponents library that allows you to display tooltips from ARPG games on you webstie using Html tags.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

💀 Horadric Helper 💀

Release Horadric Helper

A JavaScript WebComponents library that allows you to display tooltips from ARPG games on your website using Html tags. To see more examples checkout this post on my blog.

Currently supported games

  • Path of Exile

Table of Content

How-to TLDR

Short example of library usage. More complex examples with explanations can be found in the rest of the documentation. You can also check it out live on Codepen.

1. Include js and css files on your site.

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/meta-is-beta/horadric-helper@v0.13/dist/poe/horadric-helper-poe.umd.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/meta-is-beta/horadric-helper@v0.13/dist/poe/horadric-helper-poe.css"/>

2. Add a component to your website's Html.

  <poe-item as-icon reference="example-item"></poe-item>

3. Initialize config for referenced item.

    reference: "example-item",
    iconUrl: "https://web.poecdn.com/image/Art/2DItems/Armours/Gloves/GlovesStrDex1.png",
    data: `
      Item Class: Gloves
      Rarity: Magic
      Frosted Fishscale Gauntlets of Skill
      Armour: 9
      Energy Rating: 9
      Level: 2
      Str: 4
      Dex: 4
      Item Level: 5
      Adds 1 to 2 Cold Damage to Attacks
      6% Increased Attack Speed

4. Item should be displayed on the page.

You can see how it works here: Codepen.


To enable Horadric Helper you simply need to include JavaScript and CSS files on your website (same as any other js library).

You can get both js and css files from jsDelivr CND:


You can specify a version of the library by changing @v0.13 to the desired version. You can also set it to latest to always get newest version.


You can get them from this repo's /dist/poe folder.


  • This library supports only newer browsers such as Chrome, Firefox or Opera. IE11 is not supported.
  • There is also a non-minified version of JS available under horadric-helper-poe.umd.js.
  • There are source-map files for both minified and non-minified versions.

Html Components

Package horadric-helper-poe contains 2 components:

  • <poe-item> - This component can render items such as equipment, gems, jewels, flasks, currency, maps and more
  • <poe-passive> - This component can render passive nodes - including atlas tree passives

To activate components you need to assign a reference prop to them. This will allow you to later load configuration objects for that reference. (More about this in Configuration section.)

<poe-item reference="Headhunter"></poe-item>


  • Multiple components with the same reference can exist - any config applied to that reference will work for all matching components.
  • Components can be used as any other Html element - this is thanks to Web Components standard.
  • This library does NOT utilize shadow DOM - this means that collisions between website's styles and component's styles can occur and needs to be solved on a case-by-case basis (In other words - your website's css can conflict with this library's css).

Html Component Props

You can apply props to set or change behaviour for individual components.

Prop Type Description
reference String Required. Name used to target components with the same reference when loading configs. See Configuration section for details.
classes String Additional classes that will be applied to the root component.
popover-classes String Additional classes that will be applied to popover.
bordered Boolean Always show borders around showcase
borderless Boolean Never show borders around showcase
label-text String By default items will be labeled by their name. You can override that with this prop and assign your own text.
as-text Bool Display item as text. Showcase popover will appear on hover. (This is the default settings)
as-icon Bool Displays item as icon with label. Showcase popover will appear on hover.
as-showcase Bool Displays an item as a showcase. Showcase popover will not appear on hover.
icon-inside Bool Show icon inside of showcase. (Only works if iconUrl was provided in the config)
icon-outside Bool Show icon outside of showcase. (Only works if iconUrl was provided in the config)
icon-size string Available values: auto|sm|md|lg|xlg. Default is auto. Allows to set the size of the icon.
show-stacks Bool Displays the amount of stacks when in as-icon mode as the number above icon.
show-stacks-in-label Bool Displays amount of stacks when in as-icon or as-text mode as number in label.
show-sockets Bool Displays sockets under icon when in as-icon mode.
show-sockets-in-showcase Bool Displays sockets inside of the showcase.
dim-sections String List of sections to be greyed-out. More about this in Sections chapter.
hide-sections String List of sections to be hidden. More about this in Sections chapter.
popover-position String Available values: auto|left|right|top|bottom. Default is auto. Sets where showcase popover should appear. If rendering popover in the set direction is impossible then direction will be automaticly flipped.


Headhunter as a small icon, with the properties section hidden.


Beef passive as a showcase, with an icon displayed inside.

<poe-passive reference="Beef" as-text icon-inside></poe-passive>

Global default props

You can set default values for props globally using HoradricHelper.PathOfExile.defaults object.

For example you can make all components display as bordered showcase with the following code:

window.HoradricHelper.PathOfExile.defaults = {
    bordered: true,
    asShowcase: true,

You can still override those settings for a specific component:

<poe-item reference="example" as-icon borderless></poe-item>

Priority of prop values from lowest to highest:

  1. default value
  2. global defaults object value
  3. local prop value

Loading Items and Passives

When the library is loaded it will register a global object called HoradricHelper. You can use the HoradricHelper.PathOfExile.applyConfig method to load either a single PoeConfig object or an array of PoeConfig objects that represent items and passives you want to use.

PoeConfig object

type PoeConfig = {
  // Required
  // Reference name of components to which this config should apply to.
  // Eg: If you set this value to "Headhunter" this config will be
  // applied to all components with <poe-item reference="Headhunter">.
  reference: String;

  // Optional
  // Url of icon that will be displayed if any of the icon props are set.
  iconUrl?: String;

  // Required
  // Object which describes all properties of item or passive you want to display
  // or string with raw item data from the game or PoB.
  data: PoeItem | PoePassive | String;

  // Optional
  // Object with extension data for config that does not fit into "data" field
  extensions?: {
    // Optional
    // Dictionary that assigns item references to sockets.
    // Referenced items need to also have their config defined.
    // More about this in Sockets section
    // Eg:
    // socketReferences: {
    //    1: "Shield Charge",
    //    2: "Fortify"
    //    3: "Increased Duration Support"
    //  }
    socketReferences?: { [Number]: String };

PoeItem object

type PoeItem = {
  // Required
  // Item's rarity
  rarity: "normal" | "rare" | "magic" | "unique" | "gem";

  // Required
  // Item type
  type: "equipment" | "gem" | "jewel" | "flask" | "currency" | "map";

  // Required
  // Item name
  name: String;

  // Optional
  // Name of item's base - eg. "Leather Belt" for Headhunter
  baseName?: String;

  // Optional
  // List of influences on an item
  // Eg: ["elder", "shaper"]
    | (
        | "crusader"
        | "warlord"
        | "hunter"
        | "redeemer"
        | "elder"
        | "shaper"
        | "replica"
        | "eater of worlds"
        | "searing exarch"
    | null;

  // All sections are optional
  sections: {
    // List of item's properties text lines
    // Eg: ["Armour: 9", "Energy Rating: 9"]
    properties?: String[];

    // Item's level
    // Eg: "42"
    level?: String;

    // List of item's requirement text lines
    // Eg: ["Dex: 12", "Str: 12"]
    requirements?: String[];

    // List of item's enchants text lines
    // Eg: ["Allocates Beef"]
    enchants?: String[];

    // List of item's implicits text lines
    // Eg: ["Has 1 Socket"]
    implicits?: String[];

    // List of item's Scourge Modifiers text lines
    // Eg: ["Adds 5 to 6 Physical Damage to Attacks"]
    scourgeMods?: String[];

    // List of item's modifiers text lines
    // Eg: ["Adds 1 to 2 Cold Damage to Attacks", "6% Increased Attack Speed"]
    modifiers?: String[];

    // List of item's statuses
    // Eg: ["corrupted", "split"]
    statuses?: ("corrupted" | "mirrored" | "split")[];

    // Numerical value of talisman tier.
    // Eg: "1"
    talismanTier?: String;

    // List of item's floavur text lines.
    // Eg: ["You are slow, foolish and ignorant.", "I am not."]
    flavourText?: String;

    // List of item's gem description text lines
    // Eg: ["Supports any skill that has a duration."]
    gemDescription?: String[];

    // List of Divination Card's description text lines
    // Eg: ["The Poet's blood is", "the Empire's ink."]
    divCardDescription?: String[];

PoePassive object

type PoePassive = {
  // Required
  // Passives's name
  // Eg: "Beef"
  name: String;

  // Required
  // Passives's type
  // Eg: "notable"
    | "basic"
    | "notable"
    | "keystone"
    | "ascendancy basic"
    | "ascendancy notable"
    | "mastery"
    | "atlas basic"
    | "atlas notable"
    | "atlas keystone";

  // All sections are optional
  sections: {
    // List of passives's description text lines
    // Eg. for "Arcane Blessing":
    // [
    //   "50% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you",
    //   "Gain Arcane Surge when you or your Totems Hit an Enemy with a Spell"
    // ]
    description: String[];

    // List of passives's flavour text lines
    // Eg. for "Ancestral Bond"
    // [
    //   "A wooden construct, mute and blind.",
    //   "But fear the wrath of shackled mind."
    // ]
    flavourText: String[];

Getting item data

data property of PoeConfig object accepts data of type PoeItem, PoePassive and String. PoeItem and PoePassive are objects with structure described in their respective sections and allow you to define your own items and passives.

In case of PoE items you can also pass raw item data from different sources and the library will try to parse and display them. Raw item data can be acquired from:

  • The game - To copy an item's data to clipboard press CTRL+C while hovering over an item in-game.
  • PoE Trade - Each search result has a "Copy Item" button. This will behave in the same way as copying data from the game.
  • Path of Building (PoB) - To copy item's data to clipboard navigate to "Items" tab, select item you want to copy and press CTRL+C. (Do not copy item's data from "Edit Item" popup - it is incomplete and won't work).

⚠️ Item data from the game works only in English. ⚠️

Examples of loading configs

1. Item loaded from data object

As icon, with modified label text and medium icon. (Live on Codepen)

<!-- Html --->
      label-text="Spell block amulet"

<!-- JavaScript --->
    reference: "custom-item",
    iconUrl: "https://web.poecdn.com/image/Art/2DItems/Amulets/Amulet5Unique.png",
    data: {
      rarity: "Unique",
      type: "Equipment",
      name: "Stone of Lazhwar",
      baseName: "Lapis Amulet",
      sections: {
        requirements: ["Level 5"],
        implicits: ["+22 to Intelligence"],
        modifiers: [
          "14% Chance to Block Spell Damage",
          "12% increased Cast Speed",
          "+45 to maximum Mana",
        flavourText: [
          "You are slow, foolish and ignorant.",
          "I am not."

2. Item loaded from raw data from the game

As a showcase, with icon inside and with item level hidden. (Live on Codepen)

<!-- Html --->

<!-- JavaScript --->
    reference: "ingame-item",
    iconUrl: "https://web.poecdn.com/image/Art/2DItems/Armours/Helmets/HelmetDexUnique2.png",
    data: `
      Item Class: Helmets
      Rarity: Unique
      Leather Cap
      Evasion Rating: 54 (augmented)
      Sockets: G-G-B-G
      Item Level: 60
      +35 to Evasion Rating
      10% increased Rarity of Items found
      +36% to all Elemental Resistances
      Reflects 4 Physical Damage to Melee Attackers
      No metal slips as easily through the fingers as gold.

3. Item loaded from raw data from Path of Building

As a showcase, with icon outside and with sockets displayed. (Live on Codepen)

<!-- Html --->

<!-- JavaScript --->
    reference: "pob-item",
    iconUrl: "https://web.poecdn.com/image/Art/2DItems/Armours/BodyArmours/BodyStr3C.png",
    data: `
      Rarity: RARE
      New Glorious Plate
      Glorious Plate
      Shaper Item
      Elder Item
      Crafted: true
      Prefix: {range:0.972}LocalIncreasedPhysicalDamageReductionRatingPercent6
      Prefix: {range:0.746}LocalBaseArmourAndLife3
      Prefix: {range:1}DelveBodyArmourAvoidFire1_
      Suffix: {range:0.5}DelveBodyArmourSocketedSkillsSupportedByArcaneSurge1_
      Suffix: {range:0.5}DelveStrengthGemLevel1
      Suffix: {range:0.123}DelveArmourPhysDamageTakenv2_3
      Quality: 20
      Sockets: R-R-R-R-R-R
      LevelReq: 68
      Implicits: 2
      {tags:damage}{range:0.5}(40-50)% increased Damage
      {tags:resistance}+1% to all maximum Resistances
      +1 to Level of Socketed Strength Gems
      Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 1 Arcane Surge
      +82 to Armour
      91% increased Armour
      +32 to maximum Life
      -72 Physical Damage taken from Hits
      10% chance to Avoid Fire Damage from Hits

4. Passive loaded from data object

As text, with an icon outside. (Live on Codepen)

<!-- Html --->

<!-- JavaScript --->
    reference: "magnifier-passive",
    iconUrl: "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/pathofexile_gamepedia/images/2/2e/AreaDmgNotable_passive_skill_icon.png",
    data: {
      name: "Magnifier",
      type: "Notable",
      sections: {
        description: [
          "10% increased Area of Effect",
          "10% increased Area Damage",
          "+10% to Critical Strike Multiplier",

Showcase sections

  • Showcases are split into sections such as modifiers, implicits, etc.
  • You can choose which sections you want to load if you are using data as a data source.
  • You can also grey-out or hide specific lines or entire sections using dim-sections and hide-sections props.

PoeItem sections

Name Prop name Type Description
itemLevel item-level String Item's level (wiki) (do not confuse with item's level requirement).
requirements requirements String[] List of item's requirement text lines.
sockets sockets String String representing sockets and their links. (More about sockets in Sockets section.)
enchants enchants String[] List of item's enchants text lines (wiki).
implicits implicits String[] List of item's implicits text lines (wiki).
scourgeMods scourge-mods String[] List of item's Scourge mods.
modifiers modifiers String[] List of item's modifiers text lines (wiki) (also known as explicit modifiers).
statuses statuses String[] Available statuses: corrupted, mirrored, split.
gemDescription gem-description String[] List of item's gem description text lines. To set color of specifica line you can add
divCardDescription div-card-description String[] List of Divination Card's description text lines. (More about div cards in Divination Cards section.)
talismanTier talisman-tier String String of numerical value of talisman tier.
stacks stacks `Number String`
flavourText flavour-text String List of item's flavour text lines.

PoePassive sections

Name Type Description
description String[] List of passive's description text lines.
flavourText String[] List of passive's flavour text lines.


Full live example of sockets usage on CodePen

Sockets are defined by the sockets section of Config Object or are provided by raw item data from the game or from PoB (with line "Sockets: {socket string}"). You can display them through show-sockets and show-sockets-in-showcase props.

Socket notation

There are 6 types of sockets available:

  • R, G, B, W - Reb, blue, green and white. Usually found on normal items.
  • A - "Abyssal" sockets found on abyssal items.
  • D - "Delve" sockets found on resonators.

Socket string is a list of socket symbols separated by "-" if they are linked or by " " (whitespace) if they are not linked.

For example:

  • 3 linked red sockets: R-R-R
  • 6 sockets (3 blue, 3 green), 5 of them linked: G-G-B-G-B B
  • 3 white linked sockets and one abyssal socket: W-W-W A
  • 3-socketed resonator: D D D

Socketing items

By default sockets will be empty. To place items into them you have to:

  • Make sure that items you want to socket have their config defined.
  • Add them to the extensions.socketReferences section of config.


  "reference": "Fortify Shield",
  "extensions": {
    "socketReferences": {
      "1": "Shield Charge",
      "2": "Fortify Support",
      "3": "Increased Duration Support",
  "data": `...`


Full live example of stacks usage on CodePen

  • Stacks can display how many of given item or passive there are.
  • They are defined by stacks section of Config Object or by line on raw item data (Stack Size: {current stacks}/{max stacks})
  • They can be displayed as either a number above the item's icon (through show-stacks prop) or as a prefix before the item's name in it's label (through show-stacks-in-label prop).
  • They can be passed as ether a number (eg. 5), or as string that denotes part of total (eg. 5/10).

Flavour text

  • When creating items with Config Object you can add flavour text by passing it to flavourText section.
  • Only unique items compied from the game will have their flavour text copied. If you want to add flavour text to non-unique items prepend it with "Flavour Text:" in item's raw data string.

Unique item example:

Item Class: Amulets
Rarity: Unique
Stone of Lazhwar
Lapis Amulet
You are slow, foolish and ignorant.
I am not.

Non-unique item example:

Item Class: Amulets
Rarity: Rare
Cataclysm Locket
Horned Talisman
Flavour Text: The Empire hides lies and falsehoods
Behind a mask of politeness and civility.
The First Ones teach us to look through the lies,
And that no beast can truly cover their tracks.
- The Wolven King

Divintaion Cards

Divintaion Card’s data can be copied from the game like any other item (CTRL+C while hovering over item in you inventory).

Coloring text

To color specific line in Divintaion Card's description (divCardDescription section) you can add (color) at the end of each line. Available colors are: normal, magic, rare, unique, gem and corrupted.


Item Class: Divination Cards
Rarity: Divination Card
Left to Fate
Stack Size: 2/4
Map (rare)
Map Tier: 16 (normal)
Unidentified Corrupted (corrupted)
Many strive for greatness,
but it is challenge, unforeseen,
that forges heroes.
Shift click to unstack.

Dimming and hiding sections

You can dim or hide either entire sections or specific lines of showcase using dim‑sections and hide‑sections props. (Section names are in kebab-case)

Targeting entire sections

You can target entire sections by passing section names separated by ;.






<!-- Hiding all implicits and requirements -->
<poe-item reference="Headhunter" hide-sections="implicits;requirements"></poe-item>

<!-- Dimming entire description -->
<poe-passive reference="Beef" dim-sections="description"></poe-passive>

Targeting specific lines

To target specific lines you can pass numbers of lines separated by , after the section's name.




<!-- Hiding 1st and 2nd line of modifiers and 1st line of properties -->
<poe-item reference="Headhunter" hide-sections="modifiers:1,2;properties:1"></poe-item>

<!-- Dimming 3rd and 4th line of description -->
<poe-passive reference="Lethality" dim-sections="description:3,4"></poe-passive>

Skills and Passives data

There are premade configs for skill gems and passive that you can use.

  • In /src/path-of-exile/tools/data you will find two json files:
    • gem-data.json - This file holds premade configs for all skill gems in the game as of patch 3.14
    • passive-node-data.json - This file holds premade configs for all passives in the game as of patch 3.14
  • In /src/path-of-exile/tools/ you will find two script files:
    • get-poe-gems-data.js - This script can pull the newest config data for all gems. It will produce a file similar to gem-data.json
    • get_poe_passive_node_data.py - This script can pull the newest passives data. It will produce a file similar to passive-node-data.json


  • Please file bug reports here, on github
  • If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to message me at meta.is.beta@gmail.com or on reddit at /u/Meta_Is_Beta.

About library setup

  • This library is built using Vue v2.
  • WebComponents implementation done using vue-custom-element.
  • Popover handling is done using v-tooltip (Vue implementation of popper.js).
  • Typescript support is enabled, but only a few files are in typescript (where I decided that strong typing will be most useful).

Local development

Installing dependencies


Running demo

npm start

Building production libraries to /dist/

npm run build

Running linter

npm run lint
npm run lint:fix

Running tests

npm run test:unit