
Edulib is open source library that serves as educational agents.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Edulib is an opensource library and serves as an educational agent.

Main function of this lib is to act as a proxy agent which learns and evolves as an eductor. Goal is to provide more engaging ways so every student gets one to one attention based on their learning speed and interests, that uses algorithms to boost creativity, commitment and curiosity.

AI proxy agent then can be trained by community of educators with organized content/videos from internet.

In phase 1 of development, I will be using tensorflow and custom indexing alorithm to sort educational the contents of the internet. Itrative filtering will be applied based on community input and ML, so the contents are personalized and organized to each student preference.

In Phase 2, Edulib will start learning stuff for itself from provided training datasets. It will then be used to teach students and other AI agents in feedback loop. Visual Rendering in VR and other immersive technologies will be implimeted at later stage.

alpha v.01 in development and will be committed in April 17.
