Angular amexio workshop helps to UI developer to get started with Angular from basic to advance topics of Angular.
MetaArivu : Eco System Evangelist.
- Developers / Sr. Developers
- Setup, tools required for development
- Greeting App
- Bindings
- Property binding
- Attribute binding
- Class Binding
- Style Binding
- Event Binding
- Event Filtering
- Event Filtering
- Two way binding
- Pipes
- Inbuilt Pipe
- Custom Pipe
- Reusable Components
- Directives
- Inbuilt Directive
- Custom Directive
- Service
- Http Get/Post/Put/Delete Service
- Error Handling
- Http Interceptor
- Routes
- Routing
- Auxilary Routing
- Route Gaurd
- Passing data
- Forms
- Tempalte Driven Form
- Reactive Form
- Modules
- Custom module
- Lazy Loading
- Layouts
- Grid Layout
- Vertical & Horizontal Layout
- Row * Column layout
- Tab Layout
- Charts
- D3 Charts
- Drillable Charts