--metaDMG-cpp location?
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi all,
I installed metaDMG with the recommended conda installation remotely on linux (and some suggested tweaks from past issues on the page), environment file:
name: metaDMG
- conda-forge
- bioconda
- defaults
- python==3.9
- pip
- pip:
- metaDMG[all]
- logger-tt==1.7.0
- htslib==1.15
- cxx-compiler
- c-compiler
- eigen
- gcc_linux-64
- samtools
It initially seemed to work. However, when running metaDMG config, I need to specify a --metaDMG-cpp to point to the location of this file. It doesn't seem to exist in the conda environment (find /my/conda/env/location -maxdepth 6 -type f -name "*ccp" returns no hits).
Do I need to separately install and build metaDMG-cpp from the sister github page? This feels counterintuitive, given the metaDMG cli is working on my end already.
Here's the command I ran:
metaDMG config ../S30455.Y1.E1.L1.nohuman.fastq.subgenomesaa.fna.e2e.bam \
> --names ../ncbi_taxonomy/names.dmp \
> --nodes ../ncbi_taxonomy/nodes.dmp \
> --acc2tax ../ncbi_taxonomy/nucl_wgs.accession2taxid.gz \
> --custom-database \
> --bayesian
And the error:
Usage: metaDMG config [OPTIONS] SAMPLES...
Try 'metaDMG config --help' for help.
╭─ Error
│ Invalid value for '--metaDMG-cpp' / '-m': The file metaDMG-cpp does not exists. │
Thanks in advance,
I have the same issue - can the authors please advice?!
Hi everyone,
I have faced the same issue and it seems that part of it can be solved by compiling metaDMG-cpp
, which can be found here:
Now, I say "part of it" because metaDMG version 0.38.0 (installed using pip install "metaDMG[fit]"
) calls metaDMG-cpp
as so:
</path/to>/metaDMG-cpp getdamage --minlength 10 --printlength 15 --threads 8 --runmode 1 --outname <somename> <BAM_file>
but, then the error is that:
[2024-08-28 16:41:40] | metaDMG.fit.serial:273 | DEBUG | <sample_prefix>alignment | getdamage: unrecognized option '--minlength'
[2024-08-28 16:41:40] | metaDMG.fit.serial:273 | DEBUG | <sample_prefix>alignment | Never here: (null)
[2024-08-28 16:41:40] | metaDMG.fit.serial:273 | DEBUG | <sample_prefix>alignment | getdamage: unrecognized option '--printlength'
[2024-08-28 16:41:40] | metaDMG.fit.serial:273 | DEBUG | <sample_prefix>alignment | Never here: (null)
[2024-08-28 16:41:40] | metaDMG.fit.serial:273 | DEBUG | <sample_prefix>alignment | getdamage: unrecognized option '--runmode'
[2024-08-28 16:41:40] | metaDMG.fit.serial:273 | DEBUG | <sample_prefix>alignment | Never here: (null)
[2024-08-28 16:41:40] | metaDMG.fit.serial:273 | DEBUG | <sample_prefix>alignment | getdamage: unrecognized option '--outname'
Indeed, in the latest version of metaDMG-cpp
, the help for the getdamage
module invites for different arguments, which seem to include undescores:
$ ./metaDMG-cpp getdamage --help
-> metaDMG version: v0.4-94-gc110946 (htslib: 1.17-28-ge13611a9) build(Aug 27 2024 11:30:14)
-> ./metaDMG-cpp getdamage --help
Usage: metadamage getdamage [options] <in.bam>|<in.sam>|<in.cram>
Example: ./metaDMG-cpp getdamage -l 10 -p 5 --threads 8 ../data/subs.sam
-n/--threads number of threads used for reading/writing (default: 4)
-f/--fasta reference genome (required with CRAM)
-l/--min_length minimum read length (default: 35)
-p/--print_length number of base pairs from read termini to estimate damage (default: 5)
-r/--run_mode 0: global estimate (default)
1: damage patterns will be calculated for each chr/scaffold contig
-i/--ignore_errors continue analyses even if there are errors.
-o/--out_prefix output prefix (default: meta)
I'll check whether the latest version of metaDMG
would in fact fit an earlier version of metaDMG-cpp
, or vice-versa, and maybe attempt editing the C code to recognize the arguments, but I would prefer not to hack my way towards an erratic behaviour of the tool.
If the developers could advise, that'd be helpful :)