React Series Challenge

React proficiency challenge. Using the provided libraries and templates create a Gimpy Client that matches to the best of your capacity what is described in the deliverables section.

What we are expecting from you is:

  • Use Giphy API
  • Use styled components for styling
  • Use enzyme and jest for testing
  • Use React Router and React 16 (already included in the boilerplate code)
  • Use Redux Saga for API requests
  • Use Redux for your application's state management

Delivery before Sunday 11:59pm

Important. Constantly commit your code.

  • Home View

    • It displays the trending GIFs using Giphy Trending API.
    • It has a search bar, which uses Giphy Search API.
    • Each GIF may be saved as favorite in the Redux state, and also can be removed from the same call to action.
    • Each GIF should display if it is already marked as favorite.
  • Your Favorites GIFs View

    • It displays the GIFs that you previously selected, which comes from the Redux state.
    • It has a search bar, which filters from the Redux state.
    • Each GIF may be removed from favorite in the Redux state.
  • Style your views using styled components.

    • Remove all CSS from the boilerplate code.
  • Unit Testing

    • Create tests for your application
    • Coverage must be 20% or more


  • Don’t include extra dependencies (lodash, ramda).
  • Minimize the use of React Components internal state.
  • Application must preserve the state for favorites. This means that if your refresh the page, it must display the ones that you previously selected.

Code Review

  • Fork this project.
  • You must open a pull request (PR) against this repo (master branch) for each of your deliveries.
  • If you send a commit after the deadline we won't take it into account for the evaluation.


  1. Use Giphy API
  2. Home ListView
  • Trending API
  • Search API
  1. Favorite ListView
  • Redux State List
  • Redux State Search
  1. Unit Testing
  • Coverage 20%
  1. Styling
  • Use styled components
  1. Include the slides in your commit, for presenting purposes.

Wizeline react-series-challenge.
