
👨‍🏫 ggplot2 Teaching Material

Primary LanguageR

👨‍🏫 ggplot2 Teaching Material

Collection of personal material and additional resources for the R package {ggplot2}.


  • “ggplot Wizardry: My favorite tricks and secrets for beautiful plots in R” — Outlier Conference 2021 hosted by the Data Visualization Society (Talk + Seminar)
    Slides | Recording | Hands-On Tutorial
  • “ggplot Wizardry: My favorite tricks and secrets for beautiful plots in R (Extended Version)” — useR Oslo 03|2021
    Slides | Recording
  • “Beyond bar and box plots: chart alternatives and how to design them with ggplot2” — USGS Community for Data Integration 09|2021
    Slides | Recording | Hands-On Tutorial
  • “My favorite ggplot2 extension packages” — R Ladies Tunis 07|2021
    Slides | Recording
  • “An Introduction to {ggplot2}” — Stats Group of the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research 08|2019

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