
An extension of Swift's Data type to work with hexadecimal (Base16) encoding

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


An extension of Swift's Data type to work with hexadecimal (Base16) encoding.


Swift Package Manager

Add a dependency to https://github.com/metabolist/base16.git, either in Xcode or by adding it to the dependencies array in your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    .package(name: "Base16", url: "https://github.com/metabolist/base16.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))


Add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'Base-16', '~> 1.0'


Base16 adds functions to Data that mirror Foundation's functions for working with Base64 encoded data:

import Base16

let data = Data([182, 239, 215, 173, 251, 168, 76, 252,
                 140, 7, 39, 163, 56, 255, 171, 35,
                 121, 205, 26, 252, 53, 166, 159, 67,
                 100, 70, 140, 79, 47, 26, 138, 209])

data.base16EncodedString() // returns "b6efd7adfba84cfc8c0727a338ffab2379cd1afc35a69f4364468c4f2f1a8ad1"
data.base16EncodedString(options: [.uppercase]) // returns "B6EFD7ADFBA84CFC8C0727A338FFAB2379CD1AFC35A69F4364468C4F2F1A8AD1"
data.base16EncodedData() // returns the same thing as `base16EncodedString()` as UTF-8 data
data.base16EncodedData(options: [.uppercase]) // returns the same thing as `base16EncodedString(options: [.uppercase])` as UTF-8 data

try Data(base16Encoded: "b6efd7adfba84cfc8c0727a338ffab2379cd1afc35a69f4364468c4f2f1a8ad1") // equivalent to `data` variable above
try Data(base16Encoded: "B6EFD7ADFBA84CFC8C0727A338FFAB2379CD1AFC35A69F4364468C4F2F1A8AD1") // equivalent to `data` variable above
// The above initializers also exist for Base16 encoded UTF-8 `Data`

A common use case for encoding data to a Base16 string is for representing the deviceToken received in UIApplicationDelegate's application(_ application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data) for registering apps for push notifications.


Base16 is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.