
Stand-alone ClojureScript REPL

Primary LanguageCEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


A stand-alone ClojureScript REPL for macOS and Linux based on JavaScriptCore.

Home page: planck-repl.org


On macOS:

$ brew install planck

On Ubuntu:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mfikes/planck
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install planck

For other Linux distros, see Building below.


Launch Planck by entering planck or plk at the terminal.

The plk script executes planck, while integrating with the clojure CLI tool to add support for deps.edn and classpath-affecting options such as -Aalias.

Get help on command-line options by issuing planck -h or plk -h.

For more details, see the Planck User Guide.

Ported Clojure Functionality

It is possible to write Clojure-idiomatic scripts like the following:

(require '[planck.core :refer [line-seq with-open]]
         '[planck.io :as io]
         '[planck.shell :as shell])

(with-open [rdr (io/reader "input.txt")]
  (doseq [line (line-seq rdr)]
    (println (count line))))

(shell/sh "say" "done")

Many of the familiar functions and macros unique to Clojure have been ported:

clojure.core/ -> planck.core/

eval, file-seq, line-seq, intern, ns-resolve, read, read-line, read-string, resolve, slurp, spit, with-open

clojure.java.io/ -> planck.io/

as-file, as-relative-path, as-url, delete-file, file, input-stream, make-input-stream, make-output-stream, make-parents, make-reader, make-writer, output-stream, reader, resource, writer

clojure.java.shell/ -> planck.shell/

sh, with-sh-dir, with-sh-env


If using macOS or Ubuntu, you can install pre-built binaries as described above under "Installing". The instructions here can be used to build, test, and optionally install Planck on your machine.

Build Status


See Building Wiki for setting up OS-specific build tooling and dependencies.

Pre-made build environments for various environments are available in build-envs.


$ script/build

The resulting binary will be planck-c/build/planck.

Specify --fast to quickly build a development version that skips Closure optimization:

$ script/build --fast

If you specify -Sdeps or -R<alias>, it will be passed through to the underlying clojure command during the build process. This can be used to specify a ClojureScript dep to use.


$ script/test


The following will install Planck under the prefix /usr/local:

$ sudo script/install

If you'd like to install Planck under a different prefix, you may pass -p. For example:

$ sudo script/install -p /usr


Copyright © 2015–2018 Mike Fikes and Contributors

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.