
📝 A Sublime Text 3 plugin to visually blame SVN-stored code line-by-line

Primary LanguagePython


Blamer (SVN Gutter) is a plugin for Sublime Text 3 that allows you to quickly discover who has authored a line of code, if it has been committed using SVN.

For the VS Code version of this plugin, please see Blamer-vs


ctrl + alt + s: Save the file and commit the project folder

ctrl + alt + b: Visualises the blame on the current file


Coloured "pips" are placed against every line in a file. Any lines from the same commit will be the same colour. Clicking a commit-disc will show a popup with the date, committer's name, and their comment.


Demonstration of how Blamer works

How do I get set up?

If you are taking this project from Github:

  • Clone project
  • Copy folder to C:\Users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages, where YOUR NAME is replaced with your Users' name
  • Restart Sublime.


This extension requires that you have Tortoise SVN installed, with command-line tools.

Known Issues

  • Popups don't appear if a line is empty (Sublime issue)