
A super easy-to-use markdown document preview framework in Deno.

Primary LanguageHTML


A super easy-to-use markdown document preview framework in Deno.




  1. Create a start file with any name (ex. start.ts) in your document folder root. The content of the file is as follows:
// start.ts
import "https://deno.land/x/book/mod.ts";
  1. Create SUMMARY.md and README.md in your document folder root. The contents of the summary will be rendered in the left navigation side of the page, and README file will be used as homepage content.

    A typical SUMMARY.md contains the following content. Among them, metadata between --- and first-level title are not required.

name: My Document
logo: https://example.com/logo.png
footer: Copyright (c) 2023


## Get Started

- [Installation](/folder1/installation.md)

## API References

- [Properties](/folder2/properties.md)
- [Methods](/folder2/methods.md)
  1. Create markdown files with corresponding names under folder1 and folder2. The final directory structure is as follows:

    ├─ folder1
    │   └─ installation.md
    ├─ folder2
    │   ├─ properties.md
    │   └─ methods.md
    ├─ README.md
    ├─ SUMMARY.md
    └─ start.ts
  2. Run start file.

deno run --allow-net --allow-read start.ts