
A compact, high-performance and full-featured web framework based on nodejs.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A compact, high-performance and full-featured web framework based on nodejs. The features include:

  • Application context
  • Middlewares like Koa.js
  • Built-in static service
  • Built-in routing service
  • Built-in template engine


npm i nodable

Get Started

const app = require("nodable");

    root: "template",
    imports: { globalName: "" },
  .on("error", (err, ctx) => {
    ctx.body = {
      status: ctx.status,
      message: ctx.body,
  .use(async (ctx, next) => {
    ctx.custom = "xxxx";
    await next();
  .get("/", async (ctx) => {

API Reference


  • app.serve(path) Serve static resources with the given path. It's the syntactic sugar for get routing, so the path must starts with "/".
  • app.engine(options) Enable template engine with options { root, imports }.
  • app.on("error", function) Custom unified error handling.
  • app.use(function) Add a middleware like koa.js.
  • app.get(path, [tmpl,] function) Add dynamic route including post, put, delete and other standard request methods, it will auto-render template if tmpl parameter exists.
  • app.listen([port]) Create and start an application server on the specified port.
  • app.callback() Return a request handler for node's native http server.



  • ctx.params Get params in route path, wildcard supports
  • ctx.query Get params in query string
  • ctx.method Get request method
  • ctx.path Get request path
  • ctx.url Get request full href
  • ctx.protocol Get request protocol
  • ctx.host Get request host
  • ctx.hostname Get request hostname
  • ctx.origin Get request origin
  • ctx.headers Get headers object
  • ctx.cookies Get cookies object
  • ctx.status Get response status code
  • ctx.body Get response body
  • ctx.request Get native request
  • ctx.response Get native response
  • ctx.status= Set response status code
  • ctx.body= Set response body


  • ctx.get(name) Get request headers by name
  • ctx.set(name, value) Set response headers
  • ctx.cookie(name, value[, options]) Set cookies
  • async ctx.json() Get request body in json
  • async ctx.text() Get request body in text
  • async ctx.buffer() Get request body in buffer
  • ctx.redirect(url[, status]) Redirect url with status default 301
  • ctx.view(path, data) Render template file, only if engine enabled.
  • ctx.render(path, data) Render template text, only if engine enabled.
  • ctx.throw(message, status) Throw an error with status code

Route Syntax

  • /static static route
  • /* Wildcard route, it will return wildcard variable in ctx.params
  • /:user
  • /:user?
  • /:user(\\d+)

Template Syntax

  • {{ }} Evaluate code snippet in javascript. Note that the variables do not need to be declared. ex. {{ result = 60*60; }}

  • {{= }} Interpolation. ex. {{= username }}

  • {{? }} {{?? }} {{? }} Conditional statement. ex.

{{? gender == 0 }}
{{?? gender == 1 }}
{{?? }}
{{? }}
  • {{~ }} {{~ }} Iterative statement. ex.
{{~ users:user:index }}
  <li>{{= index+1 }} - {{= user.name }}<li>
{{~ }}
  • {{> }} Block placeholder.
  • {{< }} Block content definition.
{{> content }}

{{< content }}
{{< }}
  • {{@ }} Partial including in layout mode. You must be rendered by view(file, data) method.
// index.html
{{@ header.html }}

// header.html