
Make a website with PHP to share files.

Primary LanguagePHP


Upload and download files with PHP.


  • .php and .html files are not allowed to be uploaded. You can allow them in Includes/function.php.
  • sudo chown -R http share && sudo chgrp -R http share to enable apache to upload files.
  • sudo chmod 555 share to avoid deleting files in directory share unexpectedly.
  • Every file's name should be different from others.
  • You can disable php engine in upload directory by adding this to httpd.conf. And don't forget to change the directory to yours.
    <Directory "/var/www/share/upload">
      php_flag engine off
  • php.ini need to be changed in order to upload large files. You can change them as you want. For example,
    • file_uploads = On
    • upload_max_filesize = 200M
    • post_max_size = 200M
    • max_execution_time = 600
    • max_input_time = 600
    • memory_limit = 200M

