
CS 230 / CS 224N project: StackGAN conditioned on an image style in addition to the text description

Primary LanguagePython

Conda environments

To handle miscellaneous conflicting dependencies, we use conda environments, provided with this repository.

  • to activate:
    • install with conda env create -f <environment file name>.yml
    • activate with source activate <environment name>
  • to make changes (needs to be activated)
    • install new packages: conda install <package>
    • export to file: conda env export > <environment file name>.yml

environments included:

  • style_env.yml is for neural-style, with environment stylegan (old name, sorry)
    • this is python 3.6
  • stackgan_env.yml is for StackGAN-Pytorch and StyleGAN-Pytorch, with environment stackgan
    • this is python 2.7
    • note: contains pip packages that had no conda version: gdown, easydict, torchfile, tensorboard-pytorch, pyyaml. if any don’t work, get with pip install
  • stackgan_tf_enf.yml is for StackGAN, StyleGAN, and StackGAN-inception-model, with environment stackgan-tf
    • also python 2.7
    • pip packages: gdown, prettytensor==0.7.4, progressbar, python-dateutil, easydict, pandas, torchfile, tensorflow-gpu==1.0.1

Required setup

The large data and pretrained model files haven't all been included with the repository (and submodules)

For StackGAN (tensorflow version):

  • set up torch so we can use the pretrained char-cnn-rnn embeddings:
  • add the conda environment’s library directory to torch’s path environment variable, so it can find the CUDA files
    • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/<path to anaconda3 directory>/anaconda3/envs/stackgan-tf/lib"
  • other notes about the repository:
    • tensorflow has been updated from 0.12 to 1.0.1 to handle versioning conflicts with other packages. other related changes have been made, as listed here: hanzhanggit/StackGAN#13 (comment)
    • this involved moving run_exp.py from stageI/ and stageII/ to run_exp_stageI.py and run_exp_stageII.py in the main directory
  • data/embeddings/model:
  • preprocessing bird data: (this crops them based on the bounding boxes)
    • need to add the project repo to the pythonpath so there aren't import issues
      • export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/<path to repo>/StackGAN"
    • then just run misc/preprocess_birds.py
    • they are put in Data/birds/train and Data/birds/test, and we can reuse this to create the styled dataset

For reed 2016 text embeddings:

  • mkdir data/ in the repo, and add then get bird data:
  • edit scripts/train_cub_hybrid.sh to change gpuid to 0 (or the corresponding correct ID for your system. it's just hardcoded in there)
  • train with by running scripts/train_cub_hybrid.sh from the main directory for this repo. checkpoints should be output to cv/

For neural-style:

  • in main directory:
    • wget http://www.vlfeat.org/matconvnet/models/imagenet-vgg-verydeep-19.mat

For StackGAN-inception-model

  • in directory: download and unzip:
  • to run, you need to pass the model file and the test images directory, so:
    • python inception_score.py --image_folder ~/project/data/birds-stylized-images --checkpoint_dir <path to .ckpt file> --gpu <gpu id>


For StackGAN-pytorch (not using this anymore)