Very quick commandline wrapper around OpenTypeUtilities.cpp from Chromium, used to make EOT (Embeddable Open Type) files from TTF (TrueType/OpenType Font) files. This is the format TTLoadEmbeddedFont() accepts, which is what Internet Explorer uses for css @font-face declarations. I've only tested this on Linux. EOT was documented by Microsoft here: <> TTLoadEmbeddedFont is described here: <> Chromium: <> To build: $ make Usage: $ ./ttf2eot < input.ttf > output.eot Author: 15-Mar-2009 License: Derived from WebKit, so BSD/LGPL 2/LGPL 2.1. Keywords for anyone having as much pain as me finding a utility to do this on Linux: covert eot to ttf eot converter wtf is an eot file TODO: MTX support?