
Easy HTML parsing for Haskell

Primary LanguageHaskellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Current Status: Usable and stable. Needs GHC 7.6. Please file bugs!

HandsomeSoup is the library I wish I had when I started parsing HTML in Haskell.

It is built on top of HXT and adds a few functions that make it easier to work with HTML.

Most importantly, it adds CSS selectors to HXT. The goal of HandsomeSoup is to be a complete CSS2 selector parser for HXT.


cabal install HandsomeSoup


Nokogiri, the HTML parser for Ruby, has an example showing how to scrape Google search results. This is easy in HandsomeSoup:

import Text.XML.HXT.Core
import Text.HandsomeSoup

main = do
    let doc = fromUrl "http://www.google.com/search?q=egon+schiele"
    links <- runX $ doc >>> css "h3.r a" ! "href"
    mapM_ putStrLn links

What can HandsomeSoup do for you?

Easily parse an online page using fromUrl

let doc = fromUrl "http://example.com"

Or a local page using parseHtml

contents <- readFile [filename]
let doc = parseHtml contents

Easily extract elements using css

Here are some valid selectors:

doc <<< css "a"
doc <<< css "*"
doc <<< css "a#link1"
doc <<< css "a.foo"
doc <<< css "p > a"
doc <<< css "p strong"
doc <<< css "#container h1"
doc <<< css "img[width]"
doc <<< css "img[width=400]"
doc <<< css "a[class~=bar]"
doc <<< css "a:first-child"

Easily get attributes using (!)

doc <<< css "img" ! "src"
doc <<< css "a" ! "href"


Find Haddock docs on Hackage.

I also wrote The Complete Guide To Parsing HXT With Haskell.


Made by Adit.