Pinned issues
- 2
- 1
Reconsider the behavior of the DisableMP flag
#2704 opened by fedepaol - 8
Invalid caBundle should be removed from conversion webhook kustomize patch for BGPPeers CRD
#2679 opened by dlipovetsky - 2
MetalLB Speaker Fails to Bind LoadBalancer IP in L2 Mode on Single-Node Cluster(v0.14.9 and v0.14.8)
#2703 opened by taoyx - 5
IP allocation failed if pool priority is configured
#2656 opened by xhejtman - 5
CA bundle included in CustomResourceDefinitons conversion webhook configuration is not necessary, and causes TLS errors on initial MetalLB deployment
#2682 opened by dlipovetsky - 7
Unable to use MetalLB on TalosOS linux v.1.9.3 on Proxmox
#2676 opened by bflance - 1
Cannot create `IPAddressPool` on single node cluster (pool cidr "PUBLIC_IP/32" contains nodeIp "PUBLIC_IP")
#2700 opened by enrichman - 5
Support graceful node shutdown
#2677 opened by karampok - 5
- 8
- 3
liveness and readiness probes in helm chart appear to be broken for frr container
#2628 opened by 2fst4u - 2
Metallb load balancer ip on multiple interfaces
#2635 opened by samgabriel - 1
MetalLBAddressPoolExhausted/MetalLBAddressPoolUsage alerts: add opt-out for specific pools
#2665 opened by gberche-orange - 2
Not able to disable metrics on port 7472
#2612 opened by sbildl - 2
Request for document or links for compiling Metallb Source and to enable FIPS mode
#2655 opened by AdeepKrishnaKeelar - 8
After deploying MetalLB, UDP communication with iperf3 is not possible, and the assigned IP cannot be accessed via SSH or ping.
#2607 opened by Phoaster-wry - 4
can not access from other machines in the LAN
#2630 opened by SABERYJS - 2
NAT to LB IP in 13x works fine, in 14x it breaks
#2609 opened by Tipsmark - 3
[BUG]When setting the access method of the container image type to Metallb's SVC, network traffic will become inaccessible as the concurrency increases.
#2579 opened by lingxiaotian - 1
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Add an option to consider Not Ready but Is Serving Endpoints as not healthy
#2577 opened by hedgieinsocks - 1
Error in documentation website
#2563 opened by onlinejudge95 - 14
TCP connection timeout after sometime when using externaltrafficpolicy:local and metalb controller.
#2561 opened by akshaysharama - 3
New version 7+ FRR/bgpd daemon do not have -A arg but -l
#2530 opened by karampok - 2
CI Flake: BGP GracefulRestart, when speakers restart and when GR enabled dataplane should keep working
#2554 opened by karampok - 1
Resource mapping not found for name: "metallb-default" namespace: "metallb-system" from "ippool.yml": no matches for kind "L2Advertisement" in version "" ensure CRDs are installed first
#2622 opened by TAM360 - 2
Plz enable github discussion for this repo.
#2558 opened by Cloud-Mak - 2
Need BaseOS details of the metallb images
#2576 opened by vr2388 - 0
l2layer announcer not work fine for ipv6
#2685 opened by btkinghome - 2
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Ensure somehow that when adding a feature, the relevant doc is added in hte same PR
#2663 opened by fedepaol - 0
Document l2servicestatus (and new statuses in general)
#2662 opened by fedepaol - 2
Metallb-speaker not being created succesfully
#2661 opened by Balssh - 0
No frr log rotation in /etc/frr/frr.log
#2644 opened by mkleku81 - 12
LoadBalancer Service binds VIP to control plane node excluded from nodeSelector
#2641 opened by antoniogrv - 1
Controller Leader Election
#2629 opened by abmybgx - 5
:warning: Action Required: Replace Deprecated
#2619 opened by camilamacedo86 - 1
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Add docs about BGP Graceful Restart
#2531 opened by karampok - 3
- 1
Community validation webhook denies all updates
#2597 opened by Jeroen0494 - 2
L2 Announcements failing only error message is "failed no active endpoints"
#2604 opened by EAJ-EAJGlobal - 2
ArgoCD: Periodically OutOfSync: spec.conversion.strategy.webhook.clientConfig.caBundle
#2571 opened by volker-raschek - 1
After installing MetalLB in Kubernetes, there is an error timeout issue when reallocating IP pools
#2599 opened by wh-zxt-01 - 5
A question related to declaring VIPs from the external address pool in MetalLB.
#2586 opened by changluyi - 2
Document graceful restart
#2557 opened by fedepaol - 9
High virtual memory usage when FRR is enabled
#2584 opened by mguggi - 1
- 0
ci flake: data race in internal/bgp/frr
#2560 opened by oribon