
Binary fixes for multiple D3DDrv based UE2 editors, to fix the long selection lag on Windows Vista+

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Unreal Engine 2 Selection Fixes

Binary fixes for multiple D3DDrv based UE2 editors, to fix the long selection lag on Windows Vista+.


Supported games

Right now, there are versions only for UT2004 3369 and Red Orchestra 3339

Known bugs

  1. Clicking on text strings in the texture browser and material properties windows clicks random textures. I'm working on this issue, something is off in how it's rendering them in the background.
  2. Some textures in the texture browser are hard to select (when they have alpha effects or alpha layers). For now, select the black box at the bottom of them. I will fix this in the future.


  1. Browse the releases section for your game
  2. Download the D3DDrv.7z from the release
  3. Make a backup of the game's existing D3DDrv.dll
  4. Extract the 7z file into the game's System directory


Nope, sorry. Lost it in a "boating" accident :)