
A zsh theme that emojifies your terminal experience. All the magical emojis.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

 __  __              _ ______ __  __  ____       _ _____ 
|  \/  |   /\       | |  ____|  \/  |/ __ \     | |_   _|
| \  / |  /  \      | | |__  | \  / | |  | |    | | | |  
| |\/| | / /\ \ _   | |  __| | |\/| | |  | |_   | | | |  
| |  | |/ ____ \ |__| | |____| |  | | |__| | |__| |_| |_ 
|_|  |_/_/    \_\____/|______|_|  |_|\____/ \____/|_____|
🍎 Emojify your terminal.                                     


Automatic install

🌈 Copy and paste the code below into your terminal in one thicc 🍑 chunk and bam you're ready to go! 🚀

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/catonmat/majemoji/master/majemoji.zsh-theme >> majemoji.zsh-theme && \
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/catonmat/majemoji/master/install.sh > install.sh && \
sh install.sh && rm install.sh && rm majemoji.zsh-theme && zsh

Manual Install

# clone the repo
git clone [majemoji_repo_url]

# move into the directory
cd majemoji

# I encourage you to double check contents of the install script to ensure you are happy to run it! It's very simple and straightforward.
cat install.sh

# run the install!
sh install.sh

# reboot your Zsh in the terminal to see majemoji Action!!!

The install script assumes two things:

  • The path of your oh-my-zsh directory is ~./oh-my-zsh directory.
  • The path of your zshrc file is ~/.zshrc.
  • You are willing to prefix the install script with sudo as you'll be moving files inside your ~ directory.

If any of the three points above are not true for you, then you'll have to manually move the files.

  • Manually copy and paste the majemoji.zsh-theme file into your oh-my-zsh directory.
  • Copy and paste ZSH_THEME=majemoji to the bottom of your ~/.zshrc file.
  • Reboot your Zsh session by running the command: zsh.


🧠 Welcoming any ideas and suggestions for improvement!