
Complete Automated pentest framework for Web Firewals, Servers, Application Layer to Web Security

Primary LanguagePerl


Complete Automated pentest framework for Servers, Application Layer to Web Security




  • Software have 62 Options with full automation and can be use for web security swiss knife


  • Tishna is Web Server Security Penetration Software for Ultimate Security Analaysis
  • Kali, Parrot OS, Black Arch, Termux, Android Led TV


  • Cyber Space (Computer Security)
  • Terror Security (Computer Security)
  • National Cyber Security Services

Brief Introduction

  • Tishna is useful in Banks, Private Organisations and Ethical hacker personnel for legal auditing.
  • It serves as a defense method to find as much as information possible for gaining unauthorised access and intrusion.
  • With the emergence of more advanced technology, cybercriminals have also found more ways to get into the system of many organizations.
  • Tishna software can audit, servers and web behaviour.
  • Tishna can perform Scanning & Enumeration as much as possible of target.
  • It’s first step to stop cyber criminals by securing your Servers and Web Application Security.
  • Tishna is false positive free, when there is something it will show no matter what, if it is not, it will give blank results rather error.

Kali Installation

  • git clone https://github.com/haroonawanofficial/Tishna.git
  • cd Tishna
  • sudo chmod u+x *.sh
  • ./tishna_kali_installer.sh
  • Tishna will integrate as system software
  • Dependencies will be handled automatically
  • Third party software(s)/dependencies/modules will be handled automatically

Updating Form XSS Payloads

  • It is possible to update more payloads for form based xss, edit config.xml to update your own payloads
  • Use XSS Finder payloads and embed them into config.xml (easy to upgrade)

Module not working?!

  • Report if any module is not working.


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