
List of most used shortcuts I use


List of most used shortcuts I use

Show/Hide Program Windows

  • OSX ==> F3 (Expose Key)
  • Linux Gnome ==> command Key
  • Windows 10 ==> command + Tab

Lock Screen

  • OSX ==> option + cmd + power == > lock Screen
  • Linux ==> command + L
  • Windows 7/10 ==> command + L

Show Desktop

  • Linux Gnome ==> command + D
  • OS X cmd + F3 (Expose) ==> view desktop (move all windows aside)
  • Windows 10 ==> command + D

Copy or Move Dragged Icon

OS Specific


  • Smaller increments Volume/Backlight ==> shift + option + volume/backlght up/down
  • option + left click menu bar icons ==> Detailed description
    • Works for Wifi, Sound
  • Screenshots
    • shift + cmd + 3 ==> Whole screen screenshot
    • shift + cmd + 4 ==> Screenshot of section
    • shift + cmd + 4 then spacebar ==> Screenshot of window selected
  • Force Quit Application
    • Right Click Icon on Dock + Press Option ==> Force Quit


Programs installed macOS

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • VLC
  • Handbrake
  • Audacity
  • FLV Crunch
  • Adobe Suite
  • Lightworks
  • Office Suite
  • Android Studio
  • CLion
  • PyCharm
  • IntelliJ
  • Sketchup
  • Sublime
  • Spotify
  • FileZilla
  • MAMP
  • MongoDB Compass Community
  • Transmission
  • KeePassX
  • WhatsApp
  • Evernote
  • Android File Transfer
  • Arduino IDE
  • Terminal
  • TunnelBlick
  • Brother Control Center Drivers
  • GPG Keychain
  • Sketchly
  • CoolTerm
  • Postman
  • Helium
  • Acrobat Reader


  • SSH Keys
  • KeePassX DB