
A metalsmith plugin that takes JSON snapshots of the Metalsmith files and metadata

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Note: This is a template repository


  1. Click "Use this template", see also https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/creating-and-managing-repositories/creating-a-repository-from-a-template, fill in new plugin details
  2. Search and replace all core-plugin CorePlugin and corePlugin matches with the name of the plugin
  3. Change description in package.json & match in repo description
  4. Remove this text


A metalsmith plugin to...

metalsmith: core plugin npm: version ci: build code coverage license: MIT


An optional features section (if there are many), or an extended description of the core plugin



npm install @metalsmith/~core-plugin~


yarn add @metalsmith/~core-plugin~


Pass @metalsmith/~core-plugin~ to metalsmith.use :

import ~corePlugin~ from '@metalsmith/~core-plugin~'

metalsmith.use(~corePlugin~()) // defaults
metalsmith.use(~corePlugin~({  // explicit defaults


Optional section with list or table of options, if the plugin has a lot of options

Specific usage example

Document a first specific usage example, the title can be "Achieve x by doing y"

Specific usage example

Document a second specific usage example, the title can be "Achieve x by doing y"


To enable debug logs, set the DEBUG environment variable to @metalsmith/~core_plugin~*:

metalsmith.env('DEBUG', '@metalsmith/~core_plugin~*')

Alternatively you can set DEBUG to @metalsmith/* to debug all Metalsmith core plugins.

CLI usage

To use this plugin with the Metalsmith CLI, add @metalsmith/~core-plugin~ to the plugins key in your metalsmith.json file:

  "plugins": [
      "@metalsmith/~core-plugin~": {}

Credits (optional)

Special thanks to ... for ...
