
Metalcloud go client

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Metal Cloud Go SDK

Build Status

This SDK allows control of the Metalsoft Cloud from Go.

Generated GoDoc documentation available https://godoc.org/github.com/bigstepinc/metal-cloud-sdk-go


  1. Make sure you have Go installed, version 1.20 or higher.

  2. Clone the repository:

    git clone git@github.com:metalsoft-io/metal-cloud-sdk-go.git 
    cd metal-cloud-sdk-go
  3. Install dependencies, run the following command to check if there are any missing dependencies and download them:

    go mod tidy
  4. Set environment variables: You need to set the following environment variables:

    • METALCLOUD_USER: Your Metalsoft Cloud username.
    • METALCLOUD_API_KEY: Your Metalsoft Cloud API key.
    • METALCLOUD_ENDPOINT: The API endpoint.

    These are available in the MetalCloud UI that you are connecting to and will be used later on in the metalcloud-cli.


    export METALCLOUD_USER="your_username"
    export METALCLOUD_API_KEY="your_api_key"
    export METALCLOUD_ENDPOINT="https://api.metalcloud.com"


All changes are done through pull requests against the master branch.
Once the PR is merged a new release can be create manually in order to have the changes available in the SDK.

Make sure you also run the following before submitting a PR:

  1. Format the code

    go fmt .
  2. Run the linters, static analysis and format checkers, first install the tools:

    # Install golint
    go install golang.org/x/lint/golint@latest
    # Install golangci-lint
    go install github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@latest
    # Install staticcheck
    go install honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck@latest
    # Install errcheck
    go install github.com/kisielk/errcheck@latest
    # Install ineffassign
    go install github.com/gordonklaus/ineffassign@latest
    # Install goimports
    go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest

    Run the tools and fix the issues:

    golangci-lint run 
    go vet .
    staticcheck .
    errcheck .
    ineffassign .
    golint .
  3. Format the code with:

    goimports -w .
    go fmt .
  4. Run the tests

go test -v


Releases are created manually by creating a new tag and release in the GitHub UI.

See the Releases page for more information, use the Draft a new release button to create a new release.

Sample Code

A sample code to get you started using the SDK:

package main
import "github.com/metal-cloud-sdk-go"
import "os"
import "log"

func main(){
  user := os.Getenv("METALCLOUD_USER")
  apiKey := os.Getenv("METALCLOUD_API_KEY")
  endpoint := os.Getenv("METALCLOUD_ENDPOINT")

  if(user=="" || apiKey=="" || endpoint==""){
    log.Fatal("METALCLOUD_USER, METALCLOUD_API_KEY, METALCLOUD_ENDPOINT environment variables must be set")

  client, err := metalcloud.GetMetalcloudClient(user, apiKey, endpoint)
  if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("Error initiating client: %s", err)

  infras,err :=client.Infrastructures()
  if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("Error retrieving a list of infrastructures: %s", err)

  for _,infra := range *infras{
    log.Printf("%s(%d)",infra.InfrastructureLabel, infra.InfrastructureID)

Configuring a proxy:

ProxyFromEnvironment returns the URL of the proxy to use for a given request, as indicated by the environment variables HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY (or the lowercase versions thereof).

Requests use the proxy from the environment variable matching their scheme, unless excluded by NO_PROXY.