Library to easy change current locale without having to recreate the activity or restart the app
- ahorobetsCustomertimes corp.
- alexxxdev@magdevelopment
- AndMy
- aviparsAmCan Tech
- cuongmanhvo162Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
- davidru85Logroño, La Rioja, Spain
- ernestli
- ghatashehDubai, UAE
- harborbest
- herouVienna, Austria / Remote
- hi-manshuIndia
- indiascopeAhmedabad
- IRMobydickZelkaa
- jeffreyxuworldYokagames
- LastSocialDroid2
- matteolobello@wandercom
- metalurgusBekey
- mmBs
- mohamed-helmyAlexandria
- nalancer08Mexico City
- pranavlathigaraRajkot
- ps-jimmy
- RebornQ
- shangxiazuoyouOpen to opportunities
- SkullperKyiv, Ukraine
- srgiitd
- subramanyamgv
- Swisynkleinanzeigen GmbH
- XoshbinAmro Tech