Amazon ASIN extractor

This actor collects all subcategories and their metadata from Amazon.

Implementation notes

  • There are lot of params by default in any category URL.


  • Each category has its ID
  • The IDs are present in the URL as rh=n:16225007011,n:172456,n:11548951011 (3 categories from parent to a child)
  • They are usually URI encoded as rh=n%3A16225007011%2Cn%3A172456%2Cn%3A11548951011
  • There are multiple ways how to access a certain (sub)category:
    • Clicking through parent categories will gives you a nested categories (e.g. rh=n:16225007011,n:172456,n:11548951011)
    • If you open just the last ID, e.g. rh=n:11548951011, it seems to give you more results. That is probably because it then finds products from all possible parents.
    • There are also some random links that can link you too a category but they should not be important
  • The ideal seems to be find IDs of all subcategories and then enqueue them separately with a "minimal" URL.