
A validation library for Knockout JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Knockout Validation A KnockoutJS Plugin for model and property validation


License: MIT

Tested in IE 6+, FF7, Chrome 15 ##Getting Started

//setup the validation library, you can optionally pass in an 'options' object to configure the plug-in

//start using it!
var myValue = ko.observable().extend({ required: true });

//oooh complexity
var myComplexValue = ko.observable().extend({ 
                     required: true,
                     minLength: 3,
                     pattern: {
                          message: 'Hey this doesnt match my pattern',
                          params: '^[A-Z0-9].$'

//or chaining if you like that
var myComplexValue = ko.observable()

myComplexValue.extend({ required: true })
            .extend({ minLength: 3 })
            .extend({ pattern: {
                 message: 'Hey this doesnt match my pattern',
                 params: '^[A-Z0-9].$'

//want to know if all of your ViewModel's properties are valid?
var myViewModel = ko.validatedObservable({
   property1: ko.observable().extend({ required: true }),
   property2: ko.observable().extend({ max: 10 })

console.log(myViewModel.isValid()); //false


console.log(myViewModel.isValid()); //true

see more examples on the Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/ericbarnard/KHFn8/

##Native Validation Rules Required:

var myObj = ko.observable('').extend({ required: true });


var myObj = ko.observable('').extend({ min: 2 });


var myObj = ko.observable('').extend({ max: 99 });


var myObj = ko.observable('').extend({ minLength: 3 });


var myObj = ko.observable('').extend({ maxLength: 12 });


var myObj = ko.observable('').extend({ pattern: '^[a-z0-9].$' });


var myObj = ko.observable('').extend({ step: 3 });


var myObj = ko.observable('').extend({ email: true });


var myObj = ko.observable('').extend({ date: true });


var myObj = ko.observable('').extend({ dateISO: true });


var myObj = ko.observable('').extend({ number: true });


var myObj = ko.observable('').extend({ digit: true });

Much thanks to the jQuery Validation Plug-In team for their work on many of the rules ##Custom Validation Rules ####Custom Rules Custom Rules can be created using the simple example below. All you need is to define a validator function and a default message. The validator function takes in the observable's value, and the params that you pass in with the extend method.

ko.validation.rules['mustEqual'] = {
    validator: function (val, otherVal) {
        return val === otherVal;
    message: 'The field must equal {0}'


var myCustomObj = ko.observable().extend({ mustEqual: 5 }); //the value '5' is the second arg ('otherVal') that is passed to the validator

All Validation Messages can be formatted to use the passed in params to produce a custom message. message: 'The field must equal {0}' will be formatted with the 5 during actual validation so the user sees: 'The field must equal 5'

####'Anonymous' or Single-Use Custom Rules Anonymous rules are validation rules that are usually specific to only one object and might be determined on the fly.

var testObj = ko.observable(3).extend({
        validation: {
            validator: function (val, someOtherVal) {
                return val === someOtherVal;
            message: 'Must Equal 5',
            params: 5

##HTML5 Validation Attributes

Required: <input type="text" data-bind="value: myProp" required />

Min: <input type="text" data-bind="value: myProp" min="2" />

Max: <input type="text" data-bind="value: myProp" max="99" />

Pattern: <input type="text" data-bind="value: myProp" pattern="^[a-z0-9].*" />

Step: <input type="text" data-bind="value: myProp" step="3" />

Special Note, the 'MinLength' attribute was removed until the HTML5 spec fully supports it ##Configuration Options

var options = {
  //default: true
  insertMessages: true, //this toggles Automatic inserting of validation Messages using a SPAN
  //default: null
  messageTemplate: 'myCustomMessageTemplate', //tells the Plugin to use the defined message template as default
  //default: false
  parseInputAttributes: true, //tells Plugin to parse the HTML5 INPUT element validation attributes
  //default: 'validationMessage'
  errorMessageClass: 'myCustomMessageClass' //tells the Plugin to use this CSS Class by default for validation messages


##Knockout Bindings

###ValidationMessage If you want to customize the display of your objects validation message, use the validationMessage binding:

   <input type="text" data-bind="value: someValue"/>
   <p data-bind="validationMessage: someValue"></p>

###ValidationOptions If you have large areas of a form that you would like to change how the Validation Plugin is configured, use the validationOptions binding. This will cascade your options through the children of the container that you apply this to.

Use this for:

  • Custom Message Templates
  • Disabling auto-inserting of messages
  • Changing the Validation Message CSS Class
<div data-bind='validationOptions: { messageTemplate: "customMessageTemplate" }'>
    <label>Email: <input data-bind='value: emailAddress' required pattern="@"/></label>
    <label>Location: <input data-bind='value: location'/></label>
    <label>Age: <input data-bind='value: age' required/></label>

##Remote Validation Rules we are working more on this, but for now you can create a custom rule and use a synchronous AJAX request in your rule to return true/false

ko.validation.rules['myRemoteValidation'] = {
     validator: function(val, param){
          var isValid = true;
          //this library doesn't depend on jQuery/Zepto, so you'll need to include it separately
              async: false,
              url: '/remoteValidation',
              type: 'POST',
              data: { value: val, param: param },
              success: function(response){
                     isValid = response === true;              
              error: function(){
                     isValid = false; //however you would like to handle this              
           return isValid;
      message: 'This is InValid'