
A simple KBS Classic FM streaming player

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Pykong is a simple KBS Classic FM streaming player using an external media player.


  • Streaming KBS 1 FM(Classic FM) using personal routing service by eminat
  • Add stations to config.json
  • Select a stations with numeric keys.


a pykong screenshot


By default, you need to have Python installed. If you have Python installed, run the following command.

sudo apt install vlc
pip install python-vlc
python pykong.py
  • On Ubuntu, You must install vlc player using apt install. Otherwise, you might get the following error.
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'media_player_new'


  • The player key is deprecated because it uses a vlc instance internally.
  • Write the station's address and name on the number keys.
    "player":"C:/PROGRA~1/VideoLAN/VLC/vlc -vvv",
	    "1": {"name": "[1] KBS CLASSIC FM", "url": "http://serpent0.duckdns.org:8088/kbsfm.pls"},
	    "2": {"name": "[2] CBS MUSIC FM", "url": "http://aac.cbs.co.kr/cbs939/_definst_/cbs939.stream/playlist.m3u8"}


  • Special thanks for serving private streaming to eminat who is a member at Naver Cafe, 좌충우돌 오디오.


  • MIT