
TodoMVC using Elm-ish architecture in ClojureScript. http://metametadata.github.io/cljs-elmish-todomvc/

Primary LanguageClojure

TodoMVC using Elm-ish architecture in ClojureScript using Reagent, core.match, Specter and hodgepodge.


It's a follow-up to cljs-elmish-examples.

See the pattern explored further in Carry framework.


  • Time traveling debugger (devtools) with persistence and ability to enable/disable any action (inspired by redux-devtools). When devtools persistence is on, it replays previously saved actions on tab load. Try it with Figwheel hot reloading.
  • In order to achieve better performance view-model now receives a model ratom and is expected to return Reagent reactions. Previously the whole view was re-rendered on every model change, but now components are re-rendered only on changes to reaction values. Reactions are memoized and are able to observe one another preventing unnecessary recalculations. This approach is borrowed from re-frame.
  • Model is persisted in local storage using persistence middleware.
  • REPL can dispatch signals and actions to app:
cljs.user=> (ns prod.core)
prod.core=> ((:dispatch-signal app) :on-toggle-all)
prod.core=> ((:dispatch-action app) :toggle-all)
  • Routing middleware syncs url bar with (:frontend.routing/token model), in a sense, treating url bar as an "input".
  • It's possible to change current URL from REPL:
prod.core=> (require 'frontend.routing)
prod.core=> ((:dispatch-signal app) [:frontend.routing/on-navigate "/completed"])
  • It's possible to inspect the current state of view-model from REPL:
prod.core=> @(:visibility (:component-view-model (:view-model app)))
  • Simple property-based tests are implemented to demonstrate that it's possible to generate "user" signals and check the properties of the view model (see property-tests); inspired by om.next demo. Also implemented is the "naive" stateful style test (see stateful-property-tests).


To get an interactive development environment run:

lein figwheel

or better:

rlwrap lein figwheel

and open your browser at localhost:3449. This will auto compile and send all changes to the browser without the need to reload. After the compilation process is complete, you will get a Browser Connected REPL. An easy way to try it is:

(js/alert "Am I connected?")

and you should see an alert in the browser window.

To run tests once:

lein doo phantom test once

or quickly re-run on code changes:

lein doo phantom test auto

To clean all compiled files:

lein clean

To create a production build run:

lein cljsbuild once min

And open your browser in resources/public/index.html. You will not get live reloading, nor a REPL.

To deploy a build:

ghp-import -p resources/public
