
R2 is your REST API Server that can connect with your database and other APIs using simple resource configurations

Primary LanguageJava


R2 is an open source REST Resource server. It comes with a ready to use REST API. Developer can add/edit resources to the server using R2 Console

Metamug Resource Screen

R2 Console

R2 console comes with following features.

  • REST Resource Management
  • Hot deployment for REST Resources
  • Resource editor with autocomplete and query testing (using open source project)
  • Open API documentation generated.

API Integration with XRequest

API Integration with third party services like AWS, Facebook, Twitter, Firebase, PayPal, Mailchimp and more. Communication with multiple services in a single request using API Gateways.

Metamug API Integration



Metamug Open API Integration

Convert OpenAPI Spec file into Resource Resource XML files. This project aims to generate compatible resource xmls for a given spec file json/yml.

The sample petstore yml file will convert to a number of resource xmls. https://editor.swagger.io/

REST Resource Files

REST Resource files are designed to address a REST resources individually. Each Resource file maps to its own URI. This makes resources easily identifiable and managable.



Read this

Open API



Mason v3.4 available on Maven central