Teensy Fan Controller
Documentation: https://mstrthealias.gitbook.io/teensy-fan-controller/
A PC fan controller with temperature sensor input, for Teensy 3.x USB Development Board(s).
Supports up to 6 fans (4pin/PWM), and up to 5 temperature sensors. Each fan may individually operate in PID, temperature-percent table, or fixed-percent control modes. Configuration is saved onto the device, and software is not required other than to configure the controller.
The project is documented using Gitbook, and accessible at https://mstrthealias.gitbook.io/teensy-fan-controller/.
- Prototype - Simple PCB: requires PCB fabrication (gerber files provided) and through-hole soldering
- Prototype - Breadboard: breadboard example with a single fan/single sensor
- Prototype - Hand-made (Schmart Board based): uses over-the-shelf components (OK for single fan/single sensor builds)
Teensy Fan Controller UI (Qt5): provides a user interface to configure or monitor the fan controller (only needed for initial configuration).
Linux Kernel module (hwmon)
Fork of liquidtux: Linux kernel module for reading temperatures and fan RPMs using lm-sensors or psensor. Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.
Simple 001 PCB
Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com:
- ui_qt5/images/log.svg
- ui_qt5/images/worldwide.svg