
Read GraphML file to a MetaGraph

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Read GraphML file to a MetaGraph.

What GraphMLRead.jl does?

Step1: Read the xml file.
Step2: Create a MetaGraph/MetDiGrap and add vertice in ascending order with Int vertice ID. Save the original id of the vertice to node attribute :original_id.
Step3: Save vertice attribtes and edge attributes to MetaGraph/MetaGraph.

How to use

Load GraphML file to a MetaGraph object

file_path = joinpath( "data/large_traffic_network.graphml" )
G = loadgraphml( file_path ) # return a MetaGraph object

Get the attributes of the nodes


Get the attribute of the edges


Get the dict of the old id

ids = gmlid2metaid(G) #{od_id=>new_id, ...}

benchmark of the shortest path

Test data: "data/large_traffic_network.graphml" 
Graph size,
node number: 109,743  
edge number: 379,474

Shortest path speed

networkx LightGraphs.jl StaticGraph.jl
Dijkstra Shortest path 0.706s 0.3538s 0.0502s
Speedup && networkx 1 2.0X 14.1X

Load data speed

Python3+networkx Julia1.4 + GraphMLReader
Load data 9.77s 12.03s