collections.namedtuple is often forgotten about. However, it is preferable to the use of dictionaries in many cases. Discusssion
- TypeSystem
- Schematics
- attrs - Tutorial article
- traitlets
- traitlite - yes this differs from traitlets! discussion and github.
- Elk
- Enthought's Traits Package
- Atom
- Yuppy
- strait
- BasicProperty
- PEAK Rules
- metaparams
- Zope interfaces
- catlizor
- pyhooks - pre and post hooks for your methods.
- Connectible - the Observer pattern
- forwardable - delegation - search for literature in the Pages textbox
I intially made a reddit post followed by a post to comp.lang.python on this subject.
When metaparams was posted to the Python reddit I figured it was about time to have a central directory of such systems.