
basic genetic camouflage algorithm in c++

Primary LanguageC++


An C++ library for performing genetic biology inspired optimization algorithm.

How it works

  • We are starting with creating a certain amount of member for our genetic "puddle".
  • Each member gets their own random color at constractor.
  • After this we are rating their fitness to our "puddle" by how similar their color to target color.
  • Than we sorting them with their fitness score which is between 0 and 255 (bigger better).
  • Now we are diving into biological genetics. In this step member which rated are getting eleminated by half.
  • After that we makeing our members reproduce with random other members to have more fitting members to our "puddle". In this step I added a fun variable which is mutation. Every new member have fixed mutation change which effects our population in good way.
  • And finally we need to repeat al those steps till we have totaly fitting population in our "puddle".