
A comprehensive dataset capturing my streaming activities and interactions throughout the year 2022 stored in a CSV file.

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A comprehensive dataset capturing my streaming activities and interactions throughout the year 2022 stored in a CSV file.

The Spotify Song Attributes Dataset is a collection of music tracks, encompassing various genres and artist names. This dataset provides valuable insights into the world of music, allowing enthusiasts, researchers, and data scientists to delve into the characteristics and nuances of each track.

The dataset includes key features such as danceability, energy, loudness, speechiness, acousticness, instrumentalness, liveness, valence, tempo, duration, and time signature. These attributes provide a holistic view of the songs, enabling users to analyze and interpret different aspects of their musical composition.

Check the dataset here.

Dataset Features:

Column Name Description
trackName The name of the track.
artistName The name of the artist or band associated with the track.
msPlayed The duration in milliseconds that the track was played.
genre The genre or genres associated with the track.
danceability A measure of how suitable a track is for dancing.
energy The energy level of the track.
key The key of the track (e.g., C, D, E).
loudness The overall loudness of the track in decibels (dB).
mode The modality of the track (1 = major, 0 = minor).
speechiness The presence of spoken words in the track.
acousticness The acousticness of the track.
instrumentalness The probability of the track being instrumental.
liveness A measure of the presence of a live audience in the track.
valence The musical positiveness or happiness conveyed by the track.
tempo The tempo of the track in beats per minute (BPM).
type The type of the Spotify track.
id The unique identifier of the track.
uri The Spotify URI for the track.
track_href A link to the Spotify Web API endpoint for the track.
analysis_url A link to the audio analysis of the track.
duration_ms The duration of the track in milliseconds.
time_signature The time signature of the track.

P.S. I may have purposely left null values to encourage data-cleaning among fellow data analysts😊.