
Java Client SDK for MetaSV

Primary LanguageJava


MetaSV API Spec

  • API version: 2.1.4
    • Build date: 2022-04-08T16:23:39.010660+09:00[Asia/Tokyo]

API definition for MetaSV provided apis

Automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator


Building the API client library requires:

  1. Java 1.7+
  2. Maven/Gradle


To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:

mvn clean install

To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:

mvn clean deploy

Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.

Maven users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:


Gradle users

Add this dependency to your project's build file:

compile "com.metasv:openapi-java-client:2.1.4"


At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn clean package

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/openapi-java-client-2.1.4.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:

// Import classes:
import com.metasv.client.openapi.ApiClient;
import com.metasv.client.openapi.ApiException;
import com.metasv.client.openapi.Configuration;
import com.metasv.client.openapi.auth.*;
import com.metasv.client.openapi.models.*;
import com.metasv.client.openapi.api.AddressApi;

public class Example {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
    // Configure HTTP bearer authorization: bearerAuth
    HttpBearerAuth bearerAuth = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("bearerAuth");
    bearerAuth.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");

    AddressApi apiInstance = new AddressApi(defaultClient);
    String address = "address_example"; // String | the requested address
    try {
      AddressBalance result = apiInstance.addressAddressBalanceGet(address);
    } catch (ApiException e) {
      System.err.println("Exception when calling AddressApi#addressAddressBalanceGet");
      System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
      System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
      System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://apiv2.metasv.com

Class Method HTTP request Description
AddressApi addressAddressBalanceGet GET /address/{address}/balance Get address balance by specific address.
AddressApi addressAddressUtxoGet GET /address/{address}/utxo Get address utxos by specific address(100 per page).
BlockApi blockBlockIdGet GET /block/{blockId} Get block request by height or hash
BlockApi blockGet GET /block Get recent block list by paging. 30 items per page.
BlockApi blockInfoGet GET /block/info Get current blockchain info from full node.
MerchantApi merchantBroadcastPost POST /merchant/broadcast Broadcast tx to coorperated miner merchant APIs(TAAL).
MerchantApi merchantUtxoPost POST /merchant/utxo Pick utxos by addresses and amount.
OutpointApi outpointTxidIndexGet GET /outpoint/{txid}/{index} Get tx output(outpoint for vin) spent status.
OutpointApi vinTxidDetailGet GET /vin/{txid}/detail Get all output point of vins in the tx with detailed output script.
SensibleApi sensibleFtAddressAddressBalanceConfirmedGet GET /sensible/ft/address/{address}/balance/confirmed Get all sensible token balances for specific address ignoring all unconfirmed txs.
SensibleApi sensibleFtAddressAddressBalanceGet GET /sensible/ft/address/{address}/balance Get all sensible token balances for specific address.
SensibleApi sensibleFtAddressAddressUtxoGet GET /sensible/ft/address/{address}/utxo Get all sensible token utxos for specific address.
SensibleApi sensibleNftAddressAddressCountConfirmedGet GET /sensible/nft/address/{address}/count/confirmed Get confirmed utxo count for specific nft(ignore all unconfirmed txs).
SensibleApi sensibleNftAddressAddressSummaryGet GET /sensible/nft/address/{address}/summary Get nft summary(NFT count group by genesis) for address.
SensibleApi sensibleNftAddressAddressUtxoGet GET /sensible/nft/address/{address}/utxo Get all sensible nft token utxos for specific address.
SensibleApi sensibleNftAuctionCodeHashCodeHashNftIdNftIdUtxoGet GET /sensible/nft/auction/codeHash/{codeHash}/nftId/{nftId}/utxo Get all sensible nft token utxos by codeHash and genesisId.
SensibleApi sensibleNftGenesisCodeHashGenesisSummaryGet GET /sensible/nft/genesis/{codeHash}/{genesis}/summary Get nft summary(count group by address) for specific codeHash and genesisId(result cached for 60s).
SensibleApi sensibleNftGenesisCodeHashGenesisUtxoGet GET /sensible/nft/genesis/{codeHash}/{genesis}/utxo Get all sensible nft token utxos by codeHash and genesisId.
SensibleApi sensibleNftSellAddressAddressUtxoGet GET /sensible/nft/sell/address/{address}/utxo Get all sensible sell sell utxos for specific address.
SensibleApi sensibleNftSellGenesisCodeHashGenesisUtxoGet GET /sensible/nft/sell/genesis/{codeHash}/{genesis}/utxo Get all sensible nft token utxos by codeHash and genesisId.
SensibleApi sensibleNftSellV2AddressAddressUtxoGet GET /sensible/nft/sellV2/address/{address}/utxo Get all sensible sell sell utxos for specific address.
SensibleApi sensibleNftSellV2GenesisCodeHashGenesisUtxoGet GET /sensible/nft/sellV2/genesis/{codeHash}/{genesis}/utxo Get all sensible nft token utxos by codeHash and genesisId.
TxApi txBroadcastAsyncPost POST /tx/broadcast/async Broadcast tx to metasv asyn(tx size no bigger than 250K).
TxApi txBroadcastAsyncTxidStateGet GET /tx/broadcast/async/{txid}/state Query aync broadcast result.
TxApi txBroadcastPost POST /tx/broadcast Broadcast tx to metasv fullnode.
TxApi txTxidGet GET /tx/{txid} Get transaction detail by specific txid.
TxApi txTxidRawGet GET /tx/{txid}/raw Get transaction raw hex by specific txid.
TxApi txTxidSeenGet GET /tx/{txid}/seen Whether MetaSV have seen this tx before. This is a fast approach to know if the tx exist or not.
TxApi vinTxidDetailGet GET /vin/{txid}/detail Get all output point of vins in the tx with detailed output script.
UserApi userClientPubkeyGet GET /user/clientPubkey See https://github.com/metasv/metasv-client-signature for details. Get all trusted public keys.
UserApi userClientPubkeyPost POST /user/clientPubkey See https://github.com/metasv/metasv-client-signature for details. Register new client public key.
UserApi userClientPubkeyPubkeyDelete DELETE /user/clientPubkey/{pubkey} Delete a registered client public key.
UserApi userTrafficGet GET /user/traffic Get traffic details for every hour(valid in six months).
UserApi userTrafficSumGet GET /user/traffic/sum Sum all traffic in the current month.
XpubApi xpubLiteXpubAddressAddressGet GET /xpubLite/{xpub}/address/{address} Get xpub address type and index. Only index under /0/70 /1/30 is valid. Otherwise not found.
XpubApi xpubLiteXpubBalanceGet GET /xpubLite/{xpub}/balance Get xpub balances including confirmed and unconfirmed.
XpubApi xpubLiteXpubUtxoGet GET /xpubLite/{xpub}/utxo Get xpub utxos by specific xpub(300 per page).
XpubApi xpubPost POST /xpub Register a new xpub.
XpubApi xpubXpubAddressAddressGet GET /xpub/{xpub}/address/{address} Get xpub address type and index. Only index under max index is valid. Otherwise not found.
XpubApi xpubXpubBalanceGet GET /xpub/{xpub}/balance Get xpub balances including confirmed and unconfirmed.
XpubApi xpubXpubDelete DELETE /xpub/{xpub} Delete a registered xpub.
XpubApi xpubXpubGet GET /xpub/{xpub} Get xpub detail and status. Only registered xpub available.
XpubApi xpubXpubTxsGet GET /xpub/{xpub}/txs Get xpub transaction history by specific xpub(100 per page).
XpubApi xpubXpubUtxoCountGet GET /xpub/{xpub}/utxo/count Get valid utxo count(including confirmed and unconfirmed).
XpubApi xpubXpubUtxoGet GET /xpub/{xpub}/utxo Get xpub utxos by specific xpub.
XpubApi xpubsCountGet GET /xpubs/count Get the total count of registered xpubs.
XpubApi xpubsGet GET /xpubs Get all registered xpub strings. 300 per page.

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.

