
full stack e-commerce store with firebase

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CEIN Skincare with Firebase

This skincare website offers a range of highly effective body care products that combine natural ingredients. With a focus on vegan, natural, and skin-friendly formulations, the products are designed to provide nourishment and rejuvenation for the skin. From moisturizers to serums, the website provides a comprehensive selection of skincare solutions tailored to various skin types and concerns. Customers can discover products that prioritize both effectiveness and sustainability, promoting healthy and radiant skin.

The website is hosted on vercel and i have used firebase for the backend

How to run the file

  1. To initialize the repo you run npm install
  2. To run it locally on your local machine run npm run dev
npm install
npm run dev

login info

You van either log in with your email & password or use the credentials i have provided

email: testjohndoe@gmail.com
Password: qwerty

Website Address



User Accounts: Users can create accounts to place orders and track their order history.

Responsive Design: The website is optimized for various devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.
I secured the api endpoints with firebase so unauthorized persons can not view and access user information


User Account
click the login button to login in with an existing account.
Sign up for a new user account by clicking on the 'user' icon.
Browse through the available skincare products and add them to your cart.
Proceed to checkout to place your order.