
Finite state machine library

Primary LanguageJava


A finite state machine library for Java.


A state machine provides allows a clean separation of internal state from external events. As a component grows in features and complexity, typically internal flags will be added to control state. However, these flags can be cumbersome to maintain and add complexity that is not intrinsic to the core capability. When dealing with mutable state and concurrency, many times a developer will implicitly create a state machine without realizing it. By explicitly encoding the events, states, and transitions within a state machine the code becomes much simpler, more obvious, and easier to test.


Deep State provides a state machine definition and runtime engine following the standard definition of a state machine from the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The following elements are exposed in the API:

Events are external stimuli delivered to the state machine. The event consists of a type and an optional user-defined payload that can be acted upon. Each event delivered to the state machine is processed fully (run-to-completion) before the next event is evaluated. If an event arrives while the state machine is busy, the event is queued for later delivery. The currently processing thread will continue consuming events until the queue is empty.

States define a logical representation of the allowed conditions within a system or component. States may define entry and exit actions, a set of internal event actions, and a default action. The state machine always has a single active state at any point in time.

Transitions link states together. Transitions are triggered by the arrival of an event. A single event may cause a cascade of state transitions. A transition is selected by matching the event trigger to the transition trigger. If the trigger matches (or is unspecified) the guard condition is tested. If the guard condition passes the transition is performed. During a transition, the following invocation sequence happens, depending on which actions are defined:

  1. Source state exit action
  2. Transition action
  3. Destination state entry action

Transitions to self should be guarded to avoid infinite recursion loops.

In addition, a state machine may be nested within a composite parent state. This allows common behaviors in the substate machine to be factored out into the parent state.

For more information on UML state machines, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UML_state_machine.


Deep State provides a fluent API for defining the state machine.

// define the state machine
FiniteStateMachine<String, String> hello = DeepState.<String, String>model()
    .whenEntering((state) -> System.out.println("Hello World!"))
    .when("hi mom", (state, event) -> System.out.println("Look ma, no hands!"))

// send an event
hello.accept(new DeepStateEvent<>("hi mom"));

This would print the following:

Hello World!
Look ma, no hands!