DLF-AIG Application Profile Clearinghouse Project

The Clearinghouse project is intended to be an extensible collection/repository of metadata application profiles, mappings, and related specifications that aid or guide descriptive metadata conventions in digital repository collections.

How to add Your Institution's Metadata Documents

Via Google Docs

Submit your documents using this Google Docs Form.

Via Pull Request

First, fork this repository.

Add your document/file to /public/assets/data/[institution-name].

Edit (or add) your institution at /public/_categories/[institution-name].json using these parameters:

"index": {
  "name": "[institution-name]",
  "subtitle": "[Your institution's name]",
  "tags": ["tags"], // use one or more of the following: 'application-profile', 'mapping', 'code'
  "about": "institution description", // a description of your institution
  "site": "institution's URL",
  "image": "category-image.jpg", // An image for your institution is required -- size MUST be 350x195 pixels
  "books": [
      "title": "title",
      "description": "description",
      "year": 2014, // the year the document was published or otherwise made available
      "version": "4.0", // version of the document/file
      "kind": "pdf", // file format -- eg, PDF, text, ZIP, CSV, Python, etc.
      "image": "cover.jpg", // An image for your doc type is required -- "app-pro.png," "code.png" or "map-cross.png"
      "lang": "EN", // book languagem using ISO 639-3 codes: EN, PT-BR, ES, etc.
      "url": "url to download", // put in the file and folder you added to /public/assets/data/ and we will finish the URL
      "added_at": "20161112" // Date this document/file was submitted to the Clearinghouse (YYYYMMDD)


MIT - http://caio-ribeiro-pereira.mit-license.org