This repository contains companion code for the following preprint:
M.C. Kaya, A. İnci, A. Temizel, "Optimization of XNOR Convolution for Binary Convolutional Neural Networks on GPU", arXiv:2007.14178, July 2020.
If you use this code please cite the paper using the bibtex reference below:
Mete Can KAYA,
Alperen İnci and
Alptekin Temizel
Affiliation: METU
Cuda 10.1, C++11, Python 3.6.7 and Tensorflow v1.13.1.
@misc{kaya2020optimization, title={Optimization of XNOR Convolution for Binary Convolutional Neural Networks on GPU}, author={Mete Can Kaya and Alperen İnci and Alptekin Temizel}, year={2020}, eprint={2007.14178}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} }