Market App

Created with create-react-app, and used React & React Redux
used propsTypes for basic type checks
used Prettier for code formating

App Link: App

yarn start

After cloning this app you need to run and that script command runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

Project Folder

/src - All app folders are under src folder.
  /assets - All image and icon files under assets folder.
  /components - All components are under components folder and you can reach every component there.
  /state - All global states are under state folder, you can reach all reducers and actions under this folder.
   /actions - Action just has data fetching handlers.
   /reducers - Global states are under that folder.

/db - that folder is provide json server on json-server

Deploys (no specifics)

Frontend deployed to Vercel
API deployed to Heroku